RE: The Information War is Over and We Have Lost. Change My Mind.
This battle in the information war has been lost. Change my mind.
Some may say that the battle has barely begun, Brother.
Those screws, of which you speak, have been tightening since Gates' dumbing down of computer users; offering a proprietary corporate point and click as its shipped OS. At the very least prepping for the battle... training computer literacy in support of corporate controlled proprietary software. That defence line has been breached by open source.
Hell, even the rocksDB package which runs on a steem witness node is a fork made by Fakebook from the Open Source project, levelDB
If they begin to block ips we'll run our own DNS'. Hell in my BBS Admin experience from the 80's we could guarentee email east coast to west in no more that two days on metered calls. Hope it don't get back to that. 😆
Keep faith, Comrade. The battle is greatly in flux and natural forces of technology shape it just as well as humankind.