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RE: The_Lost_Benn_Swann_Tapes_Questioning_9_11_720p

in #dtube7 years ago

I support what Ben is saying for the most part. Yes I believe 9/11 was a US government operation designed to implement MORE denial of basic civil liberties to MORE Americans. But you are mistaken if you believe that 9/11 was the BEGINNING. It was already happening, primarily to men and nobody cared -- for the most part. Men's civil liberties and the destruction of the traditional American family was implemented primarily by feminists and THEIR supporters in the government. Men being abused by women were NOT getting justice or assistance. Men having false charges filed against them by women were NOT getting justice. Men who were victims of paternity fraud were NOT getting justice. Men were and are consistently portrayed in a negative light by the Mass Media. The American family is being destroyed. Men who ride public transit in NYC itself are FORCED to sit in a particular manner and not allowed to sit in a manner to which they are accustomed which is in a relaxed manner because they have genitals between their legs and their hips are different than women's hips. Manspreading Laws are just one more example of feminist tyranny. But finally some men in America (and elsewhere in the West where civil liberties have been violated -- such as Spain where men have NO voice or even council in Spanish courts when they are falsely accused by women. But as I said some men finally are getting their balls back -- so to speak and hitting these women where it counts -- and we are increasingly (really mostly out of necessity) becoming MGTOW. We are saying to hell with relationships with women. What is the point in getting married. Many men are discovering that the white picket fence dream can easily become a chain link fence nightmare. All it takes is one "911" call to the police by HER and it's all over for HIM. How is that a fair and equitable system in a so-called democracy. No, my friend and fellow DTuber the rot did not set in after 9/11. This plan was orchestrated long before that. I would suggest that you cover the story on Manspreading Laws on the NYC Metro and get the public's honest reaction to that. I live in middle TN and drive my own Kia so I don't have to take public transit. However, I am concerned that Manspreading Laws will be implemented elsewhere such as ANY public place where there may be shared seating -- such as a medical waiting room or on airplanes. To me America is starting to look a lot like Berlin in the 1930s. Will we men simply submit? Or will we fight back? That's another story I would like to see you cover. I subscribed and liked and would like to see DTube grow. You Tube/Yahoo/Google/AT&T I think they all seem to be the same conglomerate and in line politically with the left particularly radical feminists. Deliberate censorship of MGTOWs or other basically conservatives (like Lauren Southern) may create a defection from You Tube. DTube looks like a more safe haven for free thinking and exchange of ideas. Glad to be here. Sorry I didn't notice that Ben himself did not post this video. My stating 'you' was primarily directed at him.