Jaimie Cooks, I Dig SWEET POTATOES and The CHICKENS EAT CORN! - Just Another Day On The Homestead - [DTUBE VIDEO]
Getting out with your kids in the garden, My beautiful wife inside making a delicious dinner and our chickens pecking away at whatever free food they can find in the yard!
This is just a typical day living on our off grid homestead. During the summer months we are busy harvesting and saving food for the winter. Like the ant, you work during the good weather of summer and save your food for the coming winter when the weather will be harsh and this is very little food growing. Tubers, dried corn, squash and other things will keep well during this cold time and give us plenty of food to eat. Sure, we can go to the store if we want to buy food but we prefer our homegrown food that came free from the earth.
Well, it wasn't exactly free. We had to work for it. But there is nothing so satisfying as cooking and eating the food you have sowed and harvested yourself. Few people today have experienced that kind of freedom.


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OK I have to say that was painful, 37 minutes and I am not even half thru the video, it keeps stopping and starting /jerky and feels like I am on dial up. Anyone else having issues with viewing this on DTUBE?
I think maybe DTube is chugging. This is all new...I'll see if I can upload it via Youtube or Viewly and see how that goes. All these new places are going to have growing pains.
BUT HEY! thanks for sticking with us through all of it!
OK waiting to see if it runs different under Viewly and yes I know there are going to be growing pains but most folks will walk/change channel if they can't see it, you know the fickle public ;-) Tell Jaimie to save the corn silk!
speed test is 53.02 Mbps download and 5.53 Mbps upload..
And what you share with us here is the ideal way to enjoy life🌿
nice video its like and exhibitons food knives foods and many others @mericanhomestead sir...such a really wonderfull video and i enjoy it and see many new things like that wheel
found you on youtube a couple of mins ago
great videos!!
Hello Zac,
DTUBE is not working very well. Am I doing something wrong?
Zac...I want the ends of the corn to look that way, at least then I know that more than likely it wasn't sprayed with any chemicals. I got some from a friend and all the corn looked that way and like you said you just cut off the ends. Corn like that tastes sooo much better than any store bought corn!