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RE: Socialism? I thought this was capitalism!

in #dtube7 years ago

Central banking - by design - stops any possibility of free market capitalism.

It would be great to see a truly free market!

(my hope with crypto - if it isn't hijacked by the powers that be)


They can't hijack it, they can only attempt to intimidate!

An enemy with 200 years of wealth accumulation, technological insights years before the 'population', and megalomaniac ego that won't surrender....

I have my doubts . I also hope I am very seriously wrong.

When things are too easy, there tends to be a reason why...

Its like a car door. I can take a hammer smash it and it will dent but not break the first time. I do it on numerous occasions and eventually a fatal blow will be struck to that door every dent weakens it structurally.

Every dent will help to break it fully.

well i dont agree totally with you ! they can't hijack it |TRUE| ,, but what about hackers ? they are stealing from every sophisticated system out there ?

The blochchain uses a P2P network to avoid the impact of hackers. There is no one central thing that can be hacked.

I'm curious where you think the btc miners got their tech and the money for it.

What's interesting, I guess, is that the second and third generation blockchains are much less about creating a massive resource race to maintain their integrity. So while BTC may be increasingly centralizing, the leading edge of the technology space is not really playing along.

We will never see a truly free-market. They want a free-market until they need help from the government being bailed out. The elites get more handouts and assistance than anyone else, it's REVERSE socialism.

40 years of bigger government, welfare, health and pensions, IS the socialism that we had. (quietly).

The elites sucking the wealth is the final destination socialism.

Totalitarian rule come next.... unless stopped of course.

Trust and monopolies in general prevent a free market. Really socialism sin't social democracy, historically socialism is a state without a Constitution. Liberal European countries like Greenland, or Denmark aren't socials but social democracies and they identify as such. I think crypos like IOTA and Streamr are the future, streaming of live IoT data will be like trying to heard cats for the state but its possible for Trust and monopolies to control tokens and hijack us with transaction fees and transaction taxes if its not distributed property.

Trust and monopolies in general prevent a free market.

Monopolies exist only with gvmnt/regulatory collusion.

They don't prevent a free market, they are result of a free market being corrupted.

...just sayin'

Any evidence to that statement?
i.e. Can you point to a historical regulation that created the foundation for past monopolies?

Governments are the foundation.

The regulations follow - through governments

Thank you my Brother for speaking some truth to the people! Lets go Crypto!

ok.. Great idea

Central banks and also the worry of some countries becoming intimidated by cryptos, and banning them. They are red-hot in South Korea and spreading through Asia, I hope here to stay!!