Confused About The Steem Alliance Foundation? - A Normies Explanation
Why are we just now getting a video Justine??
Well, to be honest, I have tried not to post too much about the foundation here on my blog, as I just didn't want anyone's distaste for me to negatively affect the foundation in anyway. I was sort of hoping someone else would do it. But, considering we are in the final stages and much of the community is asking for more explanation, I felt that as part of the working group I am not doing my job unless I try to help with this aspect. When Snook reached out to me, I figured it was time to put on my big girl pants and give it a go.

Maybe it is time for a video though...
Snook asked for a video to be made of just a normal explanation of it all.. Which I said I would try to attempt... and after a glass of wine, I thought I was up to the task!

After I recorded it though, I played it back quickly and thought it wasn't focused enough and didn't even cover all the things the foundation could do.. I mean, I just seemed to get stuck on "marketing" and not the whole funding of projects or anything really for that matter. So, I just planned to try again when it wasn't late at night.. you know and NOT wing it.
BUT, then I got sick.. and I am still not great and here we are a week later. SO I wanted to at least get this out there to see if it helped in the slightest for those just trying to understand what the heck is going on. Then I will try to make one a bit more focused and structured to get into some details that weren't mentioned here.. until then, my ramblings will have to do!

For more (detailed and not rambling) information about the @steemalliance foundation, please check out the blog as well as the public Discord Server

Next Plan Of Action?
- YOU NEED TO REGISTER TO VOTE and read the proposals!
Do that here ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
- Ask Questions
Still not sure about a few things or don't understand specifics in a proposal? Ask away and we will do our best to answer them.
- Spread The Word
They won't know unless you tell them.
Thanks for reaching out @snook <3 I hope this helps a bit.
Much Love,

Thank you so much for making this video!!!
You’re welcome! I hope it’s a good start.. like I said.. this is sort of a conversation like you and I were having a glass of wine and you asked me 😜 it may not cover specifics, but just an overview of what the heck this thing is.
Thanks for the push and all the help with dtube (and my formatting 😉) ❤️
Thanks for the great information. Knowledge is earned. Let get people to sign up
Posted using Partiko Android
Excellent! I am certain this will help many understand why they should be registering to vote ❤️
Posted using Partiko iOS
Thank you! I hope this at least gets them registered and then digging for more information etc.
You've made the Steemit Minute for today! Congrats!
Check out the Video Here:
Lol, dtub doesn't play on my tablet and utub doesn't always translate videos out of html5, which my tablet doesn't read, apparently.
I will try again when i get to a desktop.
Oh no! I hate when that happens. It’s a pretty random overview so I’m not sure how much help it will be, but please let me know if you have specific questions!
Thanks for taking your time to explain all these, we love what you are doing in our community, thank you very much.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Highly rEsteemed!
Thank you for doing this! It is definitely appreciated, and additional videos are definitely welcome! 🙌
Thanks lovely. Xx Appreciated
Posted using Partiko Android
thank you for uplouding this video