Let's tango ! My first Dtube video - composition of mine for cello and piano ! (EN ; FR)
Hello Steemians !
May be you have read my introduceyourself post on Steemit and you already know that I am a musician with big passion for dance. If not, I tell you now :-) I work professionally with dancers as a pianist, composer and arranger but I also dance tango and tap dance myself.
Tango is a big, biiiig topic ! I will write a separate article about tango nuevo music, especially the Piazzola's music and his influence in tango history and musical history in general.
But here I want to share a little composition of mine that I made for a short movie on french TV. It's written in the tango nuevo style (so inspired by Piazzola) which is very different from the traditional tango style. The theme is often exposed very rubato, almost like a ballad or classical nocturne. In the beginnig of the music we can't feel the tango beat. That's the delicate part. But you will always find it in the refrain. And here is the beauty of the tango nuevo style - a permanent change of the beats and accompaniment inside the same tune. It makes the dance much more difficult to improvise and follow and the music much more complexe. Because tango is all about improvisation.
I also invite you to read my article about tango and especially tango nuevo style where you will be able to see a master improvisation dance performance on Piazzola's famous tune "Oblivion".
For this composition I was in rush. I was commissioned at the last moment, and didn't have any cello and bass player available to make the record for me. Of course, I didn't sleep during 40 hours in order to finish the work in time. So living in Paris, I asked my friend from Conservatory in Bulgaria who lives in Milano to play the tune. We played together so often as a children and teens. I know by heart her vibrato and phrasing, she knows by heart how I touch the keys and how I sound on the piano. So I recorded the piano part, added a virtual bass with LA String library and she recorded the cello part on top of the mix. So here is the result in the video !
Our friendship could be sometimes complicated, as she is a damn Aries and I am a gentle Capricorn. :-) But when it comes to music, we often agree. And as you can see, we are also very very serious about eating pizza in Milano and hanging out in Paris ! Yes, we laugh together a lot even if this girl has the gift do make me mad easily.
Enjoy the video and if you liked it, please let me know by upvoting, commenting and resteeming this post. Thanks and good day Steemit !
Bonjour Steemians francophones !
Si vous avez lu mon introduceyourself post vous savez peut-être déjà que je suis musicienne avec une grande passion pour la danse. Sinon, je vous le dis maintenant ! :-) Je travaille professionnellement avec la dance en tant que pianiste, compositeur et arrangeuse, mais je danse aussi le tango argentin et les claquettes en amateur.
Le Tango est un gros, groooos sujet ! Je vais écrire un article séparé sur le style musical "tango nuevo", et plus spécialement sur la musique de Piazzola, son influence sur l'histoire du tango et l'histoire de la musique en général.
Mais je voudrais partager ici une composition à moi que j'ai faite pour un court métrage. C'est composé dans le style "tango nuevo" (donc inspiré de Piazzola), un style très différent du style de tango traditionnel. Le thème est souvent exposé très rubato, presque comme une ballade ou un nocturne classique. Au début de la musique on ne peut pas reconnaître la pulsation typique du tango. C'est bien la subtilité du style. Mais vous pourrez toujours la reconnaître dans le refrain. La beauté du style "tango nuevo" est là - un changement permanent de la pulsation et l'accompagnement dans le même morceau. Cela rend la danse beaucoup plus difficile à improviser et suivre, et la musique beaucoup plus complexe. Car dans le tango tout est improvisation.
Je vous invite également à lire mon article sur le tango et spécialement le style tango nuevo où vous pourrez aussi admirer une improvisation magistrale sur le fameux morceau de Piazzola "Oblivion".
Pour cette composition j'étais dans le rush. J'ai reçu la commande au dernier moment, et je n'avais ni violoncelliste, ni bassiste disponible pour enregistrer. Evidemment, je n'ai pas dormi pendant 40 heures d'affilé afin de rendre le travail à temps. Alors, vivant à Paris, j'ai demandé à mon amie de conservatoire en Bulgarie qui maintenant vit à Milan de jouer le morceau pour moi. Nous avons joué si souvent étant enfants et ados, je connais par coeur son vibrato et phrasé, elle connaît par coeur mon toucher du clavier et mon son. Alors j'ai enregistré la partie piano, j'ai rajouté une basse virtuelle grâce à LA string library et mon amie a enregistré la partie violoncelle sur le mix. Alors, voilà le résultat dans la vidéo ! :-)
Notre amitié peut souvent être compliquée, étant donné que c'est un foutu Bélier et moi un gentil Capricorne :-) Mais quand il s'agit de musique, nous sommes souvent d'accord. Et comme vous pouvez le voir, nous prenons très aux sérieux le fait de manger des pizzas à Milan ou se balader à Paris ! Oui, on rigole bien ensemble même si cette fille a le don de me rendre dingue facilement.
Bonne vidéo et si vous avez aimé, SVP faites-le moi savoir en votant, commentant et resteemant ce post. Merci et bonne journée Steemit ! :-)
▶️ DTube
Thank you for sharing your composition with us. I loved it:)
I found your post because @bengy included it in his Pay it Forward Curation Contest entry. You should think about joining next week; we would love to have you there ;)
Hey, thank you very much ! For us, musicians, it's always nice to hear that people appreciate our music. I will take a look at that contest and will surely get back to you. Thank you for listening and commenting. I wish you a wonderful day.
Like any art form, I guess the 'fan' appreciation solidifies our process somehow :)
The contest is a weekly, ongoing 'thing', so anytime you want to jump in, we'd be happy to have you there :)
Have a wonderful day as well!
Edit: I'm just listening to it again...so melancholy, and so beautiful! There are hints of happiness, life, love, then sadness again. I really have no words how it has affected me. Simply beautiful; it brought me to tears. Thank you.
Hey, I am sorry to reply lately... I was without internet for a few days and a lot of work also, non stop piano those days :-). I am very happy you feel all those emotions, because that's exactly the spirit of tango nuevo - a mix of opposite feelings. So thanks again and again <3 Are you musician yourself ?
My father was, so I grew up with all kinds of music; I've dabbled myself, guitar as my latest, but nothing too serious. I just love all types of music and love the 'feel' from it :)
OK, great :-)
I enjoyed the composition very much! Thanks for sharing!
I have featured you (and this post) in my collection for a curation contest found here:
Wow, amazing. Every day I discover some new project or opportunity on Steemit. That's great. Thank you for your support and thank you for choosing me. :-)
This week I participate to article writing competition, so I don't enter Openmic, but maybe next week.
Great composition and thanks for sharing! Don't forget to use the #classical-music tag so we can easily find your posts!
Resteemed, your post will appear in the next curation with a SBD share for you!
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Oh, yes ! Thank youuu :-) You see I forgot to use the tag also. OMG, so much to learn. I love it :-) And I love you like my music. Have a great day !