RE: What You Need To Know About The Trump JFK Release
I wonder what we would be like as a nation had JFK, Robert Kennedy and MLK not been assassinated? I also wonder what we would be like if we were truly united as a people who had a taxation with representation democratic government comprised of committed public servants loyal to its people as opposed to corporations and dynastic wealthy bloodlines? I wonder what we would be like if we had no CIA, CFR, Trilateral Commission, Think Tanks like ALEC, AIPAC and the Military Industrial Complex? I wonder what we would be like if we lived within our means and was self supporting through transparent public banking with our tax dollars? Lastly I wonder what we would be like if we sincerely loved one another and cherished all life all people on the planet and bound by a representative government that encouraged and cultivated that? No more secrets ...... JFK eloquently warned us about this reality. We are here because of dark secrets masking so many falsehoods not to maintain order but to maintain Greed, Money and Power and likely class status. We veered off path by handing over our democracy to "We the Corporations" funded by we tax payers. Inverted Totalitarianism and Rogue Anglo Justice.
Some great questions you ask there...maybe with blockchain technologies and decentralization some of these questions will come to fruition.
It's truly staggering how much our country has been destroyed from within by its own government.
Why hasn't anyone made a film about what could have happened had those individuals not been assasinated? Seems like perfect source material for Hollywood. Perhaps they don't want people to wonder what could have been...