Karl Taylor Vlog - He actually got everything i needed! - EP#002
Introduction To Photography
After this class, you’ll consistently shoot stunning photos that get noticed.
You don’t need to know every single setting on your DSLR to take good photos. Knowing the basics and learning to switch from automatic mode to manual will transform your photos and give you the confidence in your own ability to get out there and start taking more great photos. In this course learn the 6 essentials of photography that will give you the understanding to confidently shoot in manual. To accompany this course, you can download our 12-page Photography Reference Guide to carry as a handy reference in your camera bag.
Photoshop For Photographers
With the right instruction you’ll quickly discover how easy it is to harness the incredible power of Photoshop.
Even if you’ve never used Photoshop before, by the end of this course you’ll have some serious insight and confidence in photo editing. Karl shows you all there is to know from understanding the interface and learning the basic tools to seeing how you can use them with practical examples. If you check out our downloads section you can even download the Raw files that Karl edits in this course and follow along with Karl’s retouching as he does it.
Advanced Photoshop for Photographers
Discover professional industry retouching secrets that will transform your images.
In this course Karl teams up with Viktor Fejes, a young and talented professional retoucher as they get to the heart of the advanced retouching required by photographers. Viktor covers the common problems with skin and beauty retouching and reveals the techniques he uses in his professional workflow. In practical demonstrations he covers in detail an interior shot, a product shot, a hair retouch and a wedding image including the black and white conversions. In this course you will also learn how to identify what needs adjusting in hue, luminance and saturation and using visual aid layers to assist you.
Top photographers in studio with Karl Taylor
We started this year with a bang as we welcomed some of the world’s top photographers to the studio for our ever-popular live talk shows.
Renowned wildlife photographer Tim Flach joined us for the first time and what an experience that was! A highly acclaimed author, passionate conservationist and skilled speaker, Tim had us all on the edge of our seats. From heartwarming accounts of reunions with his subjects to hilarious accounts of what it takes to get the picture, the time flew by far too quickly.
Tim started his journey into professional photography in 1983 as a commercial photographer, simply to “make a living”. He was driven by the visual element of photography but it was only 10 years later when he undertook a personal project with big cats did he get the opportunity to “do subjects I fancied doing”.
“Perhaps I wasn’t so good with humans, so I decided to concentrate on animals,” he said. “I always like that space of having another being opposite me, looking back. I love the aesthetics of natural creatures.”
From vultures to tigers, Tim’s work is instantly recognisable and as we worked through his images, he shared his thought process behind each as well as the techniques used to achieve his desired results.
Some 60 years later Tim’s passion for his work is as apparent as ever and he is currently in the process of planning his next book, which we can’t wait to see!
Take a quick peek at the Tim Flach live show wrap-up video below, you can watch the full Tim Flach Live photography talk show by clicking here.
What is the best thing about photography?
There are 100 reasons why someone loves photography. But one stands out above the rest. Surprisingly, I never heard many people talking about this one. Photography is the great equalizer.
It doesn't matter who clicked, who was the person, his expertise, etc. in the end, ALL that matters is the picture. If people are honestly attracted by your work instead of your fame, position or status. Then, it is a marvelous and rare thing.
Photography is the great equalizer. When you see the photos displayed in the gallery, museum or in the pages of the books, magazines or on the screen of a computer, television, not because the person who made the images was important. But, just because the photo itself was important.
What are the best photography blogs?
If you're looking for the best photography blogs that produce you're keen on photography - particularly for brand new photographers that do not have correct equipment ( during this journal there's a tutorial on the way to shoot the moon together with your smartphone )
The website appearance awing on smartphones! I really like it.
Top 10 Photography Blogs on the Internet Today
I mean most blogs square measure simply ugly and counter-intuitive to use, packed with redundant info and annoying ads.
But Irisflare is that the initial to be homeward-bound to create users get the purpose quickly and while not losing time in reading terribly long and boring introductions that we tend to all hate.
I believe it is the best journal out there nowadays on modern art photography. Meaty articles, through interviews, and artists doing fascinating add the medium. a lot of-of the fabric comes from dated antecedently revealed written work, however, it's an awfully sturdy on-line publication.
How do I make a portfolio for fashion photography?
Portfolio photography is not unlike ordinary photography that we do with our cameras. It is done by the professional photographers. These photographers shoot your pictures in different poses, capture the best move in the photos and make it a perfect with their photography techniques. Their main purpose is to show your talent, to show how photogenic your face is. They have ability to turn your mediocre looks into attractive features like a model or an actress.
If you want to showcase your talent, then portfolio photography is must.
My PORTFOLIO: http://karltaylorportfolio.com
Photography GEAR: https://www.karltaylorphotography.com...
Photography WORKSHOPS: https://www.karltaylorphotography.com...
My photography training:
Post production training:
The BUSINESS of photography: https://www.karltaylorphotography.com...
DSLR movie making: https://www.karltaylorphotography.com...
ALL COURSES Bundle: https://www.karltaylorphotography.com...
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Twitter https://twitter.com/karltaylorphoto
Don't miss the next LIVE online photography workshop:

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I agree with you on every point @karltaylor. We can be so close but so distant at times.
yea thanks @kitani
Nice vlog ep-#2 @karltaylor
thks my friend @shreeshfluteiots
I love to see your @dtube video made my you @karltaylor ..
thks for your apperciation @youtubeworld
Nicely done. Love the look and as always, great shots. Also thought the music was on point man. Good tune. @karltaylor .
yea got a great compiment from you @walletid
I liked your words .. what we need is a goal
A great post from you done well
Thanks for sharing this with us..@karltaylor
yea i really love to share my thought to my friends @cryptocoinnews1
Great video... it was worth the wait! Nicely done. Love the look and as always, great shots. @karltaylor
lovely to have your comment @fubaki0651