My Steem Vision

in #dtube5 years ago (edited)

Welcome to my new blog! A little over a week ago I put out a post asking -

What Is YOUR Vison For Steem

With the goal of trying to come up with a cohesive and coherent "vision" that encompasses what Steem is. Then we can use that to market Steem to the outside world.

This is a video of My Vision For Steem.

What is Steem? What is the goal? What is our vision?

Steem is interesting because it has so many possibilities that actually explaining it to others is a bit tough. How can we market to the outside world if we don't even know what we are?

After a discussion with @whatsup, as well as many good talks over the last few weeks about marketing, pr and just the lack of Steem's visual presence in the Crypto world, I think maybe it's time to change that.. and who better to do that than the strong community here that sets us so apart from the rest?

But we need to know what we are first.

@Whatsup had a great point, and something she had personal experience with in her career in the business industry.

First you find out what others think you are. Then you add in what you want to be... What you want to remove and then you adopt that as your vision. It sounds simple. But it defines who you are and where you go. You can't talk about or promote something if you don't know what it is.

We need a clear, cohesive vision and then we can go tell the world.

We Need A Vision

We need to collect what we all think Steem is and find the overlap, the common ground. Then we compare and decide how to compile that into a simple to understand vision statement that can be used to showcase Steem.

A Vision Statement describes the desired future position of the company. It is basically the ultimate goal of what they'd like to accomplish.

Many have already gotten involved in the initiative to share what their Vision for Steem is -

As well as many individuals discussing what their vision is in This Post

Haven't made one yet? Go for it! We want to hear from as many community members as possible.

What is YOUR Vision for Steem?

  • What is it?
  • What does it do?
  • What is the goal?
  • What does it have to offer?
  • What is it to you?

Make a post and use the tag #steemvision

Much Love and Steem On,



I thought it was a bit nerdy that I used my name when I signed up for Steem, but now I realise it was the best decision.
Great vision video on your new account.

Yes! I pleaded at length for this. Steem the blockchain only has value as a tool for bringing people together, creating communities. And to create communities, as Jordan B. Peterson says, you need personal responsibility. The first step to assuming personal responsibility is to act under your own name, not anonymously.

Doesn't stop you being a nerd ;P

it's geek, not nerd .... :p

interesting topic (and @justineh) i'd give it a try but i'm bad at trying and i think i might have emptied my head on everything from anarchy to capitalism, steem , bitcoin, the subversivity of fantasy novels and the new wave in european politics so maybe i need to recharge a bit ...

I think steem(it) as a company might not do bad simply cold calling oldskool to onboard brandnames but before that there seems to be thinktanks growing here who might help out finding lists of reasons to help convince them.
I'm not sure if you're not over-estimating the willingness of the whole populace to put that best foot forward but i dont think you need the whole populace ... you DO need bulk on social media though. Every little cog has its use, if and when it's used i suppose.
If you get a small number of devoted people who are really into it to put their heads together and a small number of entrepreneurs who can be convinced to build exclusive products on steemchain and if steemit succeeds in getting a steady stream of revenue (from ads maybe) that's not based on selling steem epic greatness is definitely possible imo ...

5:10 am ... cat just came home and clearly feels i have spent enough time with the keyboard, i think he thinks im cheating on him with the thing ...

take care, wherever it is ! ! see you around, very likely, id like my favourite platform to go places too, doesn't need to sit on the throne, just somewhere comfortable ... :))

it's geek, not nerd .... :p

Only a nerd would concern themselves with the difference. :P

If you get a small number of devoted people who are really into it to put their heads together and a small number of entrepreneurs who can be convinced to build exclusive products on steemchain and if steemit succeeds in getting a steady stream of revenue (from ads maybe) that's not based on selling steem epic greatness is definitely possible imo ...

This is what is happening now and slowly, it is attracting more similar. The community driven be feeless transactions makes for a nice development space to build upon cheaply and leverage. The niche is coming.

true dat , it's probably best not to rush things anyway or you'll get a lashback , correction, or whatever it's called under the circumstances, and its pretty de-motivating if you see your barchart spike overnight, only to see it dump twice as deep before you can get a move in because "killroywhale was first" ... you know what i'm saying, right, 76 rep ... you have probably been around the block lol.
It's great to see people taking it into their own hands, after all : steemit is one company but the chain is the chain, and it doesn't really belong to anyone in particular (if it were apple or microcrud they would have probbaly patented the system ... but apparently they didn't ...)
But i think it has much to do with the fact that STEEM sat so high after the initial period. People could just lay back and rake in the money while sleeping basically, especially the top 50 elite.
So there wasn't really any real incentive to start "working" on it as it all came for free, but now, and after such a long time its clear that sitting around and waiting in the middle of the jungle just ain't gonna cut it.

and that's probably the most important part now, people getting organized and taking matters into their own hands, no matter if the immediate results arent very visible, that's actually what "organic" in community means, right ?

natural evolution, i think epic greatness is possible, but i also know the competition is fierce and tribalism on Crypton doesn't always help in order to tackle common problems first . . .

We will see, right :p


steemit is one company but the chain is the chain, and it doesn't really belong to anyone in particular (if it were apple or microcrud they would have probbaly patented the system ... but apparently they didn't ...)

It is going to be interesting if this all turns into the new model of business where the infrastructure is open source and leverageable.

and that's probably the most important part now, people getting organized and taking matters into their own hands, no matter if the immediate results arent very visible, that's actually what "organic" in community means, right ?

Yep, the organic structure keeps changing, even if we don't notice it. Some people want to be able to sense the speed of change but it is very difficult from inside the moving vehicle.


Sir can you please help me understand how this platform works? Am new here

Haha! Yeah I was totally against it at the time, but that quickly changed.

Thank you! I really appreciate that.

I'm not lying about who I am, I enjoy the mascarade.

Lots of great comments on this thread. I published my vision for the future of Steem seven months ago after #hf20 was released. After brief review, I believe that most of it is still relevant. (Enough that I would rather share that old post than write a new one).

Timeline is always slower than i would like, but we are further down this road now than we were then. MIRA, side chains, hivemind, etc. are all movement toward my predicted vision.

We can also look at a few of the abandoned visions:

None of these are bad. They just seem to have fizzled.

Here's mine. For Steem to become addictive, we need to understand: The Hierarchy of Engagement

Great additions Inertia, thank you.

How have I not read the world domination one yet? 👀 That’s a good one!

In a lot of ways, we are still on track for World Domination. We've had some setbacks, but we're still making progress.

Once you have a highly functional currency, a robust community and market place, and lots of content to bring in new users, you are ready to start building robust smart contracts and side chains around these assets.

Turns out, a lot of this stuff can be done in parallel or in spite of other stuff not coming together. E.g., strictly speaking, we don't really need a functioning native peg. Sure, it's nice to have, but not a requirement to launch sidechains.

The STEEM asset is stable enough to support "layer 2" soft-consensus. Stuff like that.

"Build your brand" (from "Hierarchy of engagement") is actually a "core action" worth thinking about.

For bloggers, each blog post builds their brand. Imagine simply naming the little pen symbol for starting a new post as "build your brand". With each post you publish, you create "a brand" of someone writing stuff worth reading.

The "World Domination" of dan is really an excellent vision I fully share. As you say, we are still on track, too bad we don't seem to have suitable leadership to progress at a meaningful pace toward "Emerald City"

Back then, “build your brand” was all I could come up. But now, it’s joined with “check your deck” on Steem Monsters and “stack your coins” on Steem Engine. I’m not into the DrugWars game, but I’m sure there’s a similar core action over there.

Yes, that is indeed the beauty of steem!

"To Be A Useful Currency" will always be important. Not much point in a cryptocurrency if it isn't useful as such. Or at least its success will always be limited.

Dan means pegged when he talks about useful. I’m not convinced a cryptocurrency must be pegged in order for it to be useful.

Yeah, i don't think any currency should be "pegged" and I'm pretty sure that would be counterproductive. Ultimately, stability is desirable of course but that isn't the way to do it. I think having something like SBD is potentially useful because of its relative stability but even that isn't pegged.

I agree. Dan is trying to achieve stability. I get that. He trying to speed up something artificially. Not that there’s anything wrong with that in an of itself.

But historically, artificial stability happens at the expense of fairness. So I’m just skeptical that it can be achieved fairly.

Just skeptical. I’m not saying he can’t do it. We don’t have to get hung up on it and stop progress waiting for this one aspect to get ironed out.

Got some goosebumps at the end there when you said Steem is the way the internet should be. Very well said 🙌🏽. I’m just spitballing here but you know that top banner spot that Steemit, Inc. is selling to advertisers? I think this video should be that top spot so that it can reach the screen of everyone who comes to read a post on Steemit so that they can realize how much bigger this ecosystem is than just a blogging platform!! Thanks for making this :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Wow! That is quite the compliment, thank you very much 😊

I think you are spot on, sharing that the blogging aspect is only a tiny fraction of the ecosystem here is key.

Thanks for the amazing comment ❤️

Anytime! Please keep doing these amazing posts. It looks like Steemit has pinned you as the featured post in everyone’s feed! 😉

Posted using Partiko iOS

yeah, just noticed this. Is it possible to buy this spot for a week?`do you know?

I’m not sure about that featured post position. Perhaps you could message @andrarchy about it!

Posted using Partiko iOS

a lot of people were asking, so I made a quick post so it was easier to reference than comments.

Your video is a great summary of a lot of things the Steem blockchain can be for a Steemian. Wish you a great start with your new account!
A short intro about your vision sharing movement to the KR community is here. :)

Thank you so much for sharing it with the KR community ❤️

Thank you for sharing this. I'm new to Steem and haven't posted anything yet. Your article gives me some very good aspects to think about before starting to blog about topics that interest me.

Or perhaps my first post should be my vision for Steem from a newb's perspective.

Hey @arjanvaneersel, welcome 🙂

The biggest advice I can give you is to go out and engage with the community. Comment on others posts, find people with the same interests and build those relationships. This not only helps you find your community but also your audience.

Also, to set realistic expectations. That’s pretty key as well.

Discord is used often here (it’s a chat app) and it may be vital to helping you find your community. Until we have a messaging or chat app of our own.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Very well done! I love your vision.
On my agenda today, to go through all of these visions to see what the common themes are.

Thank you!

Yes, I’ve been trying to read back through them all and pull out those common threads. So many great ideas have come forward so far. Thanks for all the help!

Steem: The internet the way it was meant to be.

This is what should be on the front page.

BTW: even with all this Justine nonsense, you will always be llfarms to me. :*

Thanks love 😊

And yes.. I will still be answering to all farm related nicknames (aggroed was concerned as well 😂) but I just wanted something a bit more personal. I miss your face!

I miss you too. People keep calling me Tara... :D

Well, you are very pretty. 😋

Who is this Steemian that makes a first post with such smarts?!

Haha! Just some weirdo 😏

I hope you are well, I was just thinking about you ❤️

My DM's are always open <3 I'm fine, just going with the eb and flow of things, bit much off-Steem going on so a bit less strong on-Steem.

Love the vision vid by the way - it's one of the 'tasks' I still have open for myself in one of the tabs in my browser :D

Highly rEsteemed!

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