UNBOXING | Dr. Hauschka tester package | eye makeup remover, night serum, cleansing cream
View this post on Hive: UNBOXING | Dr. Hauschka tester package | eye makeup remover, night serum, cleansing cream
View this post on Hive: UNBOXING | Dr. Hauschka tester package | eye makeup remover, night serum, cleansing cream
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Posted using Partiko iOS
who's Dr. Hauschka? :)
a skincare brand lol would be weird if its a person hahaha
Posted using Partiko iOS
yeah ya know? :)
Posted using Partiko iOS
For me the less make-up the more attractive a woman can get for men @joythewanderer :D
I am mainly too lazy to put on makeup haha
由 @lovelemon 拧萌 在晴空万里 undefined 给您送来

吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~
Hu hu
I like when women use make-up
They want to be beautiful for us men
//1,2,3, gute Laune //
Nice to see you always here postin and posting and posting ! never giving up !
cheers from argentina bs as
Thanks! Just post whatever random.