Partly... I have 20,000 followers there. But also because the live function works great. If DTube has a live function that works as well I'd rather do it here!
Brother Jeff is a wise and wealthy man....reminds me of me (sans $$$!)
I especially enjoyed the intro here - sits! sits doggy!!! TOO Philly, but - not so much! Red tape & politics, never a'gain dear friend! Love it on tha STEEMIT...keep on rockin' man . . . I used to love Chihuahua's - 'til I found one bouncing on muh back during an intimate moment back in '07...... not pleasurable! Good (yet awful) times...yikes / heartache long gone lingers . . .
I forgot were I watched this documentary but Osama Bin Laden could have been a cia agent.
Why facebook? Just cuz of userbase?
Hehe Canadian that can't take 15 degrees Celsius above 0
Partly... I have 20,000 followers there. But also because the live function works great. If DTube has a live function that works as well I'd rather do it here!
I would Follow!!
Hehe Canadian that can't take 15 degrees Celsius above 0
Ah Yeah!!!
Yeah cool idea Jeff!
Will you do more in the future?
Great video man :) you have such a hard breathing, did you have a run before this vlog?
He is just walking up and down the hill, yelling at dogs, while holding a camera and non-stop talking under the sun...
Brother Jeff is a wise and wealthy man....reminds me of me (sans $$$!)

I especially enjoyed the intro here - sits! sits doggy!!! TOO Philly, but - not so much! Red tape & politics, never a'gain dear friend! Love it on tha STEEMIT...keep on rockin' man . . . I used to love Chihuahua's - 'til I found one bouncing on muh back during an intimate moment back in '07...... not pleasurable! Good (yet awful) times...yikes / heartache long gone lingers . . .
This was a great video jeff!
h-erbs is okay haha
Great work as always Jeff. Can’t wait to come to Anarchapulco not this year due to funds but I will come soon :)