Cloud Gymnastics - You know what

in #dtube8 years ago (edited)

Watch Cloud Gymnastics - You know what video on DTube

The sky comes in many shapes and colors and sounds
You can'´t put a constant form to a cloud
You can´'t put a constant label on a person
You shall not put a constant beat to a song
Don´'t live your life in constant repetition

This video along with the audio recording ware made in about 2012ish with an IPhone 3GS I think it was.
The Piano that I used in the tune was a Kustom 88 vintage electric piano hooked to a Delayla delay pedal and all that I believe plugged in a vintage Twin Reverb if I can recall right.
Recorded at the Planet of the Watts, Madrid.

Nothing written down, just pure improvisation and living the moment, playing the moment.

Live now.
Live this moment.


2012?! no way.. feels like it was yesterday bro haha

Around that time I guess yeah. To say the least. But I won't exaggerate too much lol.

you shall not put an exact date on a cloud!

Hahaha yessss, the ish saved my ass on that one lol.

hahah that was closeish