Suddenly History #2 - James Martinez - 2020
Here's a clip of this weeks upcoming Vlog. I love how God speaks to me thru music, in many ways really but within those synchronous moments He reminds me He's watching over us. I've written of them in our works, this musical gem showed up a little while back it played like theme music for our historical walks. (suddenly the whole world changed over night)
Writing for God is not an easy task, does anyone know the story of The Apostle Paul. When God moves us in those mysterious ways of His the world sometimes kicks and screams, Its all for His glory. Remember, anything worth doing is never easy. There comes a time where we must chose which side we fight for.

For the record; There's no back+forth, God desires relationship. Living with Him in love requires faith, trust + obedience. He commands us to follow His example, to keep His ways. To do what's right all the time!
Now the just shall live by faith;
But if anyone draws back,
My soul has no pleasure in him.”

Anyhow, just doing some miracles over here! Its a bit challenging for some but God is absolutely capable of doing the most amazing things. He's created all things since the beginning, its no surprise really that He would reveal something like this in this day and age. The world is struggling to make sense of how to do it, it seems many have lost sight of The Way leading to life.
Merry Christmas. Celebrating Jesus' birthday this holiday. Don't forget what it really represents.
God bless you

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