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RE: DTubeDaily: Tour A Professional Recording Studio

in #dtube7 years ago

I’ve only recently started to get a handle on my end chain processing, but I feel very amateurish at it. I feel like I’m fairly decent at sound design on a individual sound level, but loose the plot when doing mixdowns. I’m working through it. Don’t quite have the money for the nice outboard, but I’m spending more time learning the Waves emulations and doing what I can. Finally got a modular synth today. Pretty basic, but I’m excited right now.

Thanks for the content you put up here and keep it up.


Are you on ? If so post a link to your setup!

Nope, purchased a Blue Lantern Evila synth so I'm not quite on that Eurorack level yet. I literally can't find anything online about the synth, but the company moved onto making eurorack a few years ago. Looks like this. Seemed like a way to start down the path. Looks like this. DQmdL4bfgLuzaBqFH1Qqr1wRzK45o7jCtvagcAPAG36qaqv.jpeg


Super solid company in eurorack world....looks like a hell of a nice piece of kit!