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I'm A Man, They Are Only Elements
There are freeze warnings all over the country. Perfect. Let's test the body. Taking cold showers are one thing but 25 degree weather is another. Putting your body in very cold environments will shock the body and has been proven to aid in fighting illness.
I woke up at around 8am to go pick up my wife from the gym. I was refreshed and ready to go. Shirt off and outside I go. Honestly I thought it would feel much colder but it wasn't as cold as I expected it to be. The cold wind hit my skin and I knew it was real. No worries though since I was already inoculated by taking all those cold showers. This is next level stuff. Just what I needed to get my day going. My mind feels less cloudy than yesterday too so I thought it would be a good idea to give my body a nice boost of energy. Well that turned out to be the right move in hindsight.
Would you do this challenge?

It's been forever since I've gotten back to back nights of 8 hours of sleep. We're making progress in that area. Thanks everyone for the advice and encouragement.
And if you need a bit more encouragement, check out my cold shower videos. Shalom.
The Upvote Surge Is Coming
The Art Of Reciprocity
Giving Steemit Praise While Taking A Cold Shower
Remember: It's Only Water
Wanna Build Mental Toughness? Take Cold Showers

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Dude this is a bad idea! But yeah now body can fight against cold and refreshed! But it's truly colder than we thought! Therefore, better think about health bro!
It was very cold outside. I took the challenge and completed it.
I had just finished a workout when I watched this, so I thought I'd try the cold shower. As soon as I touched the water, I backed out, literally. I ended up setting it to warm and working my way down to cold while in the water. It was a challenge, but I did it and I feel good about that!
Other benefits of cold showers:
-- to heat the water
-- to run the fan afterwards (there's no steam when the water is colder than the room)
Thanks for the encouragement, @humanearl! Maybe tomorrow I'll go outside shirtless. To be fair, it should be around 45-50 degrees, so not as bad. :D
Ayyye!! @themanwithnoname At least you jumped in and gave it a try.
Look just jump in there while it's cold. You won't die although it will feel like knives everywhere. Don't worry you will feel such a surge of energy go through your body. Learn to breath very deeply and controlled. Also something that helps is laughing or singing.
@hjmanearl Mehn, the thought of this alone is pretty frightening for me. I personally don't like cold as such. We really don't seem to get along very well but I hope I'll find a reason to try this whole shock thing out someday. Until then, please be safe bro!
You gotta try it. Very intimidating at first but it's all a mental test.
From you and you only I am getting the inspiration of coldshower and see #coldshower is going to be a brand tag and yes we all will contribute to this tag.
Thank you @humanearl and Have a great day.
That would be so cool seeing others sharing their #coldshower experiences. Hopefully that happens.
@humanearl - Sir cold shower introduced by you... That's how I believe it... Now your body is refreshed & mind also... So, nothing can stop you Sir... Cold or warm or whatever you are now unstoppable Sir...
It's a big mental battle. You vs. You. If you can overcome yourself then you've made progress.
I've tried this challenge before but by the time winter comes I go back to warm showers. It's definitely a mental challenge.
The winter is the best time for cold showers since the water is much colder. It's a much bigger mental challenge to overcome.
What is it about shocking the body and putting it in cold temps that helps it protect us from illnesses. You are not the first person I've heard say this.
Well for one it improves blood circulation in the body. Once teh cold water hits your body then you begin breathing faster. For me however I have learned to take huge breaths which helps get even more bloodflow.
There's some studies that show that cold showers increase your white blood cell count. Which the more white cells you have the better for fighting illness.
Also it detoxifies you.
For example literally everyone in my family had gotten the flu when we got together around Christmas. I was the only one that did not get sick. My wife actually pointed out that it was because of the cold showers.
Wow, that is impressive! Thanks for the info.
The skin in human body is the largest organ. And the closest relationship skin with the environment. Changes in climate, climate change, and changes in the environment are very closely related to this skin.
Yepp. True and your skin is so sensitive to weather and touch.
yeah buddy you sure have improved significantly by the cold shower !Hope you get better and better as time passes by in this cold weather ;)
I will get better for sure. I have doing this for over a year now.
As it seems it has become a very good habit for you !
I will try my best to dip in cold water rather than shower, becoz dipping in cold water makes less scary then cold sprinkle.
Thank you...steem on and stay blissful....
Cold baths are good too. Try it and let me know the results.
Definitely I will try it out and let you know.