The Matrix Goes Deeper

The Most Perplexing Question
If all truth is relative then we have no reference point. No standard. Nothing to base anything else on and nothing is certain. In other words we are all walking contradictions and no one is right and no one is wrong. This also gets into the arena of morality as well. Is that not dangerous? I mean think of all the scenarios that could go down with the idea that everything is relative. I can nuke millions of people and justify it because the majority of people believe this group of people to be inferior. Is it true that those people were inferior? How about this one. I can put 6 million people to death through experimentation, gas chambers, and inhumane violence because I say they are not human. Were those people who were exterminated humans or not? Last one. I say the Sun is made of cotton candy. Now come on, I won't even entertain this one.

I'll go even further and say we should not even have court systems because if truth is relative then I should just be able to throw someone in jail, even if they are in fact innocent, because I think I am right. We actually have judges who live by that mindset unfortunately and the reality is that is has destroyed the lives of a bevy of people. Can we honestly look ourselves in the mirror, sit and say THIS IS GOOD?
The reason I pose absolute truth is because it is a standard. It was true in the past, it is true now, and it will be true in the future. You can take it to the bank. It is certain. It is THE ultimate and nothing anyone says can change it. It is TRUE. For example. "Absolute truth exists". Sorry, I'd rather not build my house on cotton candy.
Because I have been pondering spiritual matters I wanted to discuss this idea of truth. Jesus himself claimed to be this ultimate truth and Pilate didn't recognize it when he questioned Jesus about truth. Jesus claimed to be the one and only truth regardless of what anyone else says. However, me believing this does not make this true whatsoever. So what do you do then with that claim? Test the evidence, search the facts, see what eyewitnesses said, and due your due diligence. Follow the crumb trail and see where the evidence takes you and you just may be lead to a concrete conclusion as to what is the TRUTH.
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This is a perfect article by you @humanearl and this debate is a perfect debate in front to us.
I am not done with truth as of now and this life is not even sufficient to explore truth.
But I will keep on pushing hard to explore truth throughout my life.
We all can explore what is true. The highest form of truth however is that which is absolute because it does not change.
Thank you for starting an interesting dialogue about truth. Plato believed that reasoning and truth are revealed using dialogue. The lawyer in me agrees. Dialogue gets us discussing ideals. Physical evidence such as writings and photographs are subject to manipulation, more so today than ever because of technology. The law in the United States has recognized this fact and requires authentication of documents and photographs that are used in court. While there are a few exceptions, it generally requires testimony of a witness to verify that the evidence is a fair representation of what they saw or said. It is even more important today than in the past, because of technology (think photoshop or google translator).
Dialogue helps us determine relative truth, which is subjective. So, for the sake of full disclosure: I like Plato because his writing makes sense to me and sparks my imagination. I read his works in English. Translated works and ancient documents are subject to spelling errors or incorrect translation.
I see relative truth as the stepping stone to ultimate truth. I view the quest for ultimate truth as a journey not a destination. My road map for the time being is based on Plato’s Divided Line Analogy. from The Republic. Although I see it as a loop because once I apply my new knowledge or understanding I see the things around me in a different light.
So, how does the Divide Line Analogy work as a road map?
Basically, we live in a world that we use are senses to perceive. Initially we see shadows or reflections, as we become aware of them we focus on them. That sparks a thought and when we act on that thought and explore it we gain an understanding or knowledge.
What that looks life in real life.
For many years we would drive by the Jackson Homestead in Newton on the way to my parent’s house. It was always there in, just a building in the background (A in the below diagram). One day we stopped at the light in front of it, the sign actually caught my eye (B in the diagram below). My immediate thought is we should check this out some time. (C in the diagram below). A few weeks later we visited the Jackson Homestead. We learned that it was a stop in the underground railroad. This added to my understanding of social inequality and injustice (D in the diagram below). That leaves me with a new lens to view the world with and as a result I see different shadows and reflections lurking in the background (back to A on the diagram), that I can bring through the process on my journey for the ultimate truth.
Will I discover the ultimate truth by exploring based on my relative truth?
Who knowns! If I do fabulous If I don’t that is fine too, because for me it is about the journey not the destination.
I like you anecdote. I think it's possible to find ultimate truth although we won't know every single piece of it. The good thing though as that you are on a journey to discover truth. The search is beautiful.
I agree that we can know things without conscious reasoning of all the pieces. That is why follow my heart and trust my gut feelings.
According to me the truth relies on the way we believe! That would be a nice question, and I assure we all described it in different forms!
There's subjective truth and then there is absolute truth. Absolute truth is the much higher form of truth because it never changes and it doesn't matter what anyone thinks is true or not. It just IS true.
non - artificial.
What is the truth?
Real, concrete and objective existence. Truth is the conscious reflection of the truth. The term 'right' refers to the truth about the truth,
Yes. Concrete and objective. It doesn't matter what we believe about it. It is true.
Sun exists is truth.
Jesus exists is belief. Because it is in the past. And so is big bang.
I love you now is truth. I love you all day is an average feeling. I will love you all my life is an amusing idea. Because people change and chances are so will your love factor, not necessariliy though.
I am human, by definition. It is truth.
Am I a good human being - depends on each individual. But to make things in linear fashion, we have courts and juries and civil code. So there you go.
In the end - perspective, intentions, situation should all be considered beforing deriving on a single conclusion.
Well we can't say everything in the past is not true. We look at the evidence. The court's role in a case is to find objective truth instead of relative truth. It would be messed up if judges gave verdicts based on relative truth. That's why I say objective truth is much better because it is much more reliable and in fact it is actually true.
That makes sense...thanks buddy
Ah my friend, truth is all those things and more. I agree with you that there is an Ultimate Truth. We do not have enough of the puzzle pieces to envision what this truth is though.
Reality isn't the issue, it's the differing perspectives of this reality. As long as the masses rely on the few for most things, perspectives will differ greatly, because people put in differing amounts of effort into acquiring knowledge. The majority preferring this info to be provided to them.
We as a species have figured out many truths, which were unknown in the past. Our issue as a species is, we are anxious, lazy and judgemental. We must know now, because questions stress us. To avoid the stress, most pick an opinion and run with it, regardless of how well or not it holds up to scrutiny.
We need to lower our heads out of the clouds to realise what we can know and be happy with this.
We can discern if something is not true, but it requires effort. You must put in the legwork and if the evidence doesn't add up, be able to say, " I just don't know." This doesn't mean that opinions or differing perspectives are bad. Without them we cannot move forward.
The problem is even when a person is offered overwhelming evidence against their perspective, they refuse to entertain it. It's a choice many of us make and is the real issue that we should be addressing.
For most things we can only know pieces of the truth and have developed a method called Science in an attempt to make these few pieces make sense as part of the whole. This is simply joining facts with theory to come to the best explanation at any particular point in time.
As for the absolute truth? We are not ready for it and shouldn't be given this information yet. As long as the masses are Sheop and require a few Sheppards to keep them in line, most of whom are awful examples of our species, this truth should remain hidden.
If reality is as large as I believe it is, then the absolute truth is safe for a while. Meanwhile, be content with the tiny truths we uncover and just try to live a good happy life, where you often ponder, consistently grow and never be so rigid that you cannot see the facts when they reveal themselves.
Why shouldn't we be given absolute truth yet?
I'll be glad to answer your question after you expand on your inference by asking the question.
Why do we deserve it?
I'm going off what you said. "As for the absolute truth? We are not ready for it and shouldn't be given this information yet". Just curious.
But to the question as to why we deserve it? Idk.Technically I don't think we deserve anything. We've done nothing to even be alive period. But we just are. So many things we have that we did nothing for. Me personally I feel the same about absolute truth. Also who or what is to give us this absolute truth? I'm just asking since you mentioned the word given.
I was unaware of your definition for Absolute Truth until I read your reply to another comment. That definition changed things a bit. I accept your definition, as it helps to clarify the question quite well.
We do know some absolute truths like, math and look what we did with that! You know, like created the A and H-bombs. Also, absolute truths, which there are many we know are separate from the Ultimate Truth, which is what I was referring to...
Ahh I see. Ok yea we have definitely found a way to screw things up or misuse them. Ok so let's go with the Ultimate Truth. Who or what do you think is to give us this Ultimate truth?
It isn't given, it's uncovered like every other bit of knowledge we possess. If I were to theorize another hypothesis, then an older alien species, if one exists could reveal this information, if they themselves possessed it. Beyond that, I wouldn't have an intelligent guess as to how we would obtain the Ultimate Knowledge. This too is assuming this knowledge is obtainable.
Right or to go further the aliens might not even want us to know this info. I get you. Good talking with you again. Keep posing questions.
Just to let you know where I stand on Christianity, I'll clarify a little for you. I don't have a problem with humanity being created, though creation of our species has been shown to be unnecessary. I do however have issues with the definition The bible gives god. The OT and NT do not represent the same entity. The god of the OT is schizophrenic and acts as both g-d and Satan. Jesus was a better example, but the NT was clearly not sanctioned by Jesus, nor has it proven to be accurate at all. I believe Christianity was an extension of the Essenes, which evolved into the Gnostics with the procession of the equinox into Pisces. Paul then took and perverted this belief and it evolved into what most Christians believe today. I do not believe the god defined by the bible exists. The Judaist G-d had too many human traits to fit the description like, jealousy, forgetfulness, anger, etc... He also cannot be perfect, because perfection cannot create imperfection, so the scriptures contradict themselves here and in many other areas. But, we can create life, so we could also have been created. We theoretically can revive Mar's atmosphere, so another race could have done this to Earth, but this/these entit(y)ies most likely could not create the universe nor the environment the Universe itself is most likely contained within, so would not parallel the biblical definition as the alpha and omega.
On top of this, the bible gives no spectacular information, which we could not figure out ourselves. As a matter of fact, most of the morals from the bible existed in other cultures before the bible existed.
Also, the ridiculous requirement that you must accept Jesus as the son of God is divisive, because there's no good evidence he even existed. That's why Christians MUST believe by faith.
In all actuality it looks like Christianity is a solar deity based on the Zodiac.
I am just explaining my position, you can reply or not. I am not trying to open a can of worms, but if we are going to communicate, we must understand each other's position.
There are good Christians and bad ones. I see you as a good one. Judaism on the other hand is a racist elitist belief system and I cannot respect any who subscribed to this belief and gives weight to the beliefs following and linked to it are false.
I wish you the best in life and happiness for you and your family, brother.
Bro I love that you speak from the heart and I hear you. No problems with that at all. So here's the thing. I have pretty much heard all of your questions before and they are very valid. So I understand.
My response would take forever and I would love to dig into this stuff which you on the phone if you don't mind. Let's put God/the Bible on Trial so to speak and see if it can stand on it's own. It doesn't have to be today/tonight. It's up to you. I'm open to discussing things further. I'm at 979-661-0262.
My ears are open and I don't mind listening to things you have to say.
(Just noticed that the word "hello" starts with "hell" xD)
Never mind about that =). Anyways, I do agree with you that there is such thing as the truth. If you've studied the science of logic, you will learn the whole concept of truth and false with their subcategories. I haven't learned all of it, my teacher only mentioned them once. =P
My feelings told me that in order to find "the truth" in any subject, one has to go through 3 steps:
Only after these procedures, we can say, that we know the truth in any given topic. Since there is only one truth in everything, everyone who thinks correctly and went through these steps should come to one conclusion. That conclusion is the truth.
If there is any other answers, that contracts the truth, it means that there has been some sort of a problem with one of those steps. One didn't learn well; didn't analyze thoroughly; didn't experience it in life. Because of that, we often come to misunderstanding.
Sorry for writing down the same idea as yours... I understood this concept few months ago, thought it could help some people to learn how to think correctly :D
Thank you for the nice article! Good luck! =)
Truth can be found but not all of it. I've heard people say we can't know truth which is simply just not truth. Right we don't know everything but we can still know some thing that are true. Truth to me means that it doesn't change based on what someone thinks or not.
Oh, about knowing everything, I do believe we carry the truth within ourselves but we are misguided by our thoughts, emotion and desires. Sometimes when I clear my mind of all thoughts and desires, I do find important meanings within myself. Some people call it "message from the universe", I call it "communication with my consciousness" or smtn like that.
In other words - we are the truth, covered by illusions. Knowing ourselves equals knowing the truth. They say it's the first step to enlightenment.
Then we ask: what is enlightenment? xD
A big and interesting theme you open there my friend.
Because i like methaphoric thinking, let my put it that way.
Truth is like a puzzle pice, you can study the shape, the colour, the weight and thinking you know everything...but there are more puzzle pices out there. They can look very close to your puzzle pice or even totaly different, but they are part of a bigger picture.
The Matrix
sicne humankind went against nature and starts harvesting life for egoistic reasons, new puzzle pices are created. This pices are made to fit to other pices but they are artificial and using to much of them will defamiliarize the orginal image. Result: People act unhuman, people lie and dont know it, people have goals in their lifes which are totaly mad.
Its important to ask fundamental questions like what is truth, what is life, love, anger. Why are we here? what is nature ans what are animals?
Thank you for providing this plattform on Steemit
Thanks for that man. I think at the end of the day the most important question we can ask is WHY?
Why are we here? Why do we have laws of nature? These question don't answer for truth in themselves but they lead us to understanding what is true. I agree that there is a much bigger picture here and we only see parts of the picture.
"Truth" can be a funny thing. One moment something might be "true" for us, and the next it could be false. Sometimes perspectives change, sometimes facts change, sometimes the situation is just different than it was before. And of course, point of view had a lot to do with things.
The Patriots have been doing well over the last decade in the NFL. For a Patriots fan, that's a good thing, and that's truth. But for the teams and fans of teams that have lost to them, that's a bad thing, or a false truth. Perspective can change a lot.
Wicked good comment! Pat's fans know the truth!
Ha ha. Wicked. And when it rains you say "wicked pissa" :)
So what you are referring to is subjective truth. It changes depending on your perspective. Like YOu said some say the patriots are the best and others say they are trash. So that's where truth can be subjective. But then the holy grail so to speak is objective truth. Meaning it's always true no matter what.
So what I'm really focusing on here is objective and absolute truth because that is the ultimate standard unlike subjective truth otherwise known as relative truth.
I think truth is what reality is ...I read your whole article because i found it very interesting :) According to my opinion the truth varies according to the situation.
People have different opinion about truth but i think we should speak truth no matter what happens :)
So there is two types of truth. Relative and objective. The highest form of truth is objective and ultimate truth because it doesn't change depending on human perspective. It is unchanging. Even though people have different opinions on what is truth it doesn't change the fact that there are some things that are true no matter what we think.
But what you mention about truth according to situation is considered relative truth which does happen.