Vlog #83: From negative to positive + Visit to Makro to buy Rib-eye to grill for my Mom tonight.

in #dtube8 years ago (edited)

Watch Vlog #83: Never giving up trying to beat @ezzy at Streetfighter V + Visit to Makro to buy Rib-eye to grill for my Mom tonight. video on DTube

This is not the first vlog I made this morning. I made one earlier but when I watched it I realised I was way to negative, don’t know how that happened really, it just came out of nowhere and I went with it, it felt great.

But it’s also very dangerous. It can put you in a negative state.

As much as I can I try to change negativity into positivity. Or at least try to get me out of a current state. Sometimes you just need to go do something to help yourself.

My mom and her husband are coming for dinner tonight. I have tons of meat in the freezer but I went to Makro anyway to buy some meat because that’s something I enjoy. It only took me 30-40 minutes going back and forth and I feel much happier.

I’m looking forward to the dinner and going to the gym after with a friend. (It’s Bianca’s rest day).

Trying to always be positive and better at things is something I taught myself. There is no rulebook, just you and your mind. For me it’s a constant battle. It’s not easy.

What else is not easy is trying to beat @ezzy at Streetfighter V. By now it feels like I lost hundreds of games but did get very close at beating him one time last night. (4-5). After that he changed his game and I got annihilated again. It’s fun to get beaten because it’s fun to get better at things you enjoy.

Youtube backup link

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Dtube isn't cooperating tonight, but you always summarize your vlog very well in your post, so I don't feel like I missed out.

I couldn't agree more about negativity. It can be like a river rushing over you and can very easily sweep you away. If I feel negativity toward someone or something I always try to relax and go through all the incredible things I'm grateful for. This usually does the trick, but sometimes it can be a little difficult and the emotion of the moment can be quite hard to overcome. You have an incredible attitude and you back it with hard work, so I know you'll overcome whatever is put in front of you.

It truly is a constant battle with your mind. The only true competition we have in this life is ourselves. Being able to look in that mirror and love the person looking back at you is one of the most difficult things to do in this world, but also one of the most fulfilling. When we can love and believe in ourselves, anything is possible.

Have a great night man with your mom. I know she's got to be really happy with her BTC investment right about now. :)

There is a youtube backup link.

Makro never seems to disappoint as you always get some beautiful cuts of meat there. However, I guess it won't be able to top Schell.

Glad to hear your mum and her husband are popping over to visit you and I think they will definitely be wowed by the amazing rib-eye that you are going to make with the green egg.

It is the worst when you lose to someone who has a slither of health left. I always lose to my cousins at console games but I continually get annihilated but it is still fun. I think you will be able to beat him one day and take the title of Best Streetfighter on steemit haha

Negativity is an absolute shit storm. It keeps you trapped in this spiralling storm that you can't escape. If you stay in negativity you let it brew and let the rage build up.

It is so easy to dwell in negativity but it is always better to strive towards positivity since it only doesn't affect your physical and mental well being but also those around you.

Great to see the road trip you went on and the store. I hope you have a great time with your mum @exyle! :)

Well, I'm getting a lot of trash talk against me here so I had to have at least ONE comment in my favour, even if it came from myself, lol! But in all seriousness, you are a great player and it's a privilege to be able to play against someone with so much heart and determination as you have. Sounds like you are gonna have a fantastic evening tonight. All the best, my good friend! :)

Thanks, man!

Awesome post .Thoughts are of great power. They have always shaped our lives. Even if the idea seems strange to you, give yourself a try, and since you have nothing to lose, but everything to gain, do not hesitate. Ignore what others might say or think of you, if they discover that you change your way of thinking.

Well said @exyle. By reading this post. I know one thing and one thing alone, build one positivity. It is one of the best attraction in life.
Thanks for sharing!
Keep on steemit!

Enjoy.. Have a great time with your parents tonight, make them feel special every moment. When you make others happy you can easily change negativity into positivity.

Thank you! (it's my mom and her husband, my parents are divorced for a long time.)

It's best to usually have positive attitude. I have found it helps me maximized my results if I have a positive mindset. I believe that is true for most people in general.

I know you're not a YouTube gamer but maybe for one of your posts you can post a video recording of a game with @ezzy. I would really find it interesting along with live commentary while your playing.

Nice post @exyle sir, yes D-Tube has a little bit of problem but youtube is fine, i like to say that a very nice drive sir and i also like Makro it's beautiful place and your choice of ribeye is also great bcoz ribeye is one of the richest, beefiest cut available. i hope your mom also like and enjoy ribeye, i also like your thoughts about never give up bcoz there is always tomorrow and you never know tomorrow might be yours. thanks for sharing sir.

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Nice post @exyle sir, ribeye is a great choice to serve with, i hope your mom also likes it very much, wishing you a happy Thursday thanks for sharing.