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RE: How Free Can You Be?

in #dtube6 years ago

Larken, this is a timely message for me - it really served to temper a bit of my zeal. Currently, my position on the matter of compliance with the State is that my personal integrity, my moral compass and my principles are the very things make me an individual. I concluded that to compromise any of these ideals would be akin to becoming a mercenary, putting my beliefs and convictions aside in order to gain favor with some authority or even for personal benefit (to the detriment of another, as government can't give anything to you without first taking it, by force, from someone else). It got to the point where I actually refused to jump through the necessary hoops in order to retrieve some of what the government stole from me by way of taxes. I felt that my participation in their corrupt system, or even my acknowledgement of them would only serve as validation. I knew it was not the "smart" thing to do, but I felt that it was the "prinicpled" thing to do - if nothing else, my hardline stance was able to start conversations about liberty that would not have otherwise taken place.

But here you are, serving as the voice of reason, as ever, reminding me that sometimes it is better to go along to get along; and in my case, that if I had just swallowed my pride long enough to jump through the requisite hoops, I could have secured resources in order to further the cause of freedom. I look back on the situation without the benefit of clarity, and I'm unsure how I would react the next time. I know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that my principles are indeed my most valuable possession, but does acquiescence necessarily imply erosion? I'm not so sure. Perhaps you or another would care to weigh in.

PS. Preaching to the choir here, but if anyone is looking for a copy of Larken's book, "The Most Dangerous Superstition", I've purchased a case of them and will happily send a copy to anyone interested, free of charge (though I won't complain if you help me out with shipping fees). Just let me know.


How did you buy his book? I'd really like a copy, but will buy one from him if possible.

How did I buy his book? I accomplished this feat on two (2) separate occasions. There was once a time when Larken sold his books on his website:

But that is no longer the case. Either way, I managed to snag one right before he stopped offering them directly.

The second time - the reason I've come to possess so many copies - is by taking advantage of this opportunity when it presented itself:

It does look like Larken is selling copies on Amazon US and I'd wholeheartedly encourage anyone to support him directly by buying from there. I just tried putting 30 copies of his book into my shopping cart and it seemed to work. Unfortunately, that's not really the case outside of the US, though. Check out these screenshots I just took:
Amazon UK.png

Amazon Germany.png

Amazon Canada.png

Those were literally all of the copies selling in the entire marketplaces of those respective sites.

There is also a fairly well done audiobook on Youtube if you're in a pinch:

See also:

I guess my offer was more intended for people living outside of the US who can't get copies quite as easily or as cheaply, though I will still send to anyone who wants one. All I want to do is put the book into the hands of willing readers.

Hope that answers your question.

Thanks for that. I don't shop on Amazon and I actually have a downloaded copy, but prefer an actual book. I guess I'll just find a way to print the copy I have. I would rather buy one from him so I can support him, but it doesn't seem I can do that at the moment. Thanks again!

What? Print the entire book off yourself? Unless you have access to an industrial grade printer, that sounds like a crazy plan. Try contacting @larkenrose directly, and I'm sure you'll hook you up. Otherwise, I've found pretty good success at corresponding with him by posting youtube comments in his new videos within the first few days of its upload. Or try emailing him at [email protected].

If all else fails, send me a private message with your info and I'll hook you up myself :P