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RE: Bitcoin Drops Over $2,000 As Bitcoin Cash And Altcoins Skyrocket

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

That’s the thing, he does away the market. There’s a small handful of people who can and actually do sway the market. By market, I mean us. And by sway, I mean manipulate our opinion. I’ve said it a couple times now but there’s so many of these Bitcoin hater type posts in internet land, I keep repeating myself:
BTC and BCH or bcc, (not to be confused with BitConnect) depending on what exchange you’re on, not to be confused with BCash, that’s yet another piggy back on Bitcoin ...they both take control out of centralized banking hands, right? Coo, just checkin.


Funny choice of words...."piggyback". It implies that Bitcoin is a PIG, which is what it is proving to be! Transaction backlog and excessive fees?

I can't even get my SDB into Bitcoin without waiting 3 days. I'm being told to use ETH, LTC or DOGE. Really??? DOGE???? WTF!!!!!

You know you love bacon, everyone loves bacon.

On a side-note, never underestimate Doge. It's been around for a while and has been battle tested by time. Far more liquid than other shit coins.