The CIA wants to Destroy Wikileaks, Arrest Assange...and they're supposed to be the good guys?

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

I just want to take a minute and talk about a little problem that I have with the CIA. While I have many problems with the CIA, one reason has to do with their hatred and lies about Wikileaks and Julian Assange and Wikileaks.

Everyone knows that most powerful people within the united states government hate Wikileaks and Julian Assange. President Trump’s very own CIA director, Mike Pompeo makes it very clear that he wants to take down Wikileaks because they’re a “non-state hostile intelligence agency.” He also said that people like Julian Assange and Edward Snowden don’t care about anything but making a name for themselves, “as long as they make a splash they care nothing about the lives they put at risk or the damage to national security….”
I mean I know if I could make a name for myself and all I had to give up was everything, including my freedom, I’d probably do it, too.

It’s really this sad pathetic attempt to brainwash an entire country to associate Wikileaks with bad guys like ISIS. They throw out words It’s so ridiculous that I think to myself, like “good try Pompeo, but NOBODY’S going to believe this nonsense.” and then I get on Facebook or Twitter and I see people I actually know in real life calling Julian Assange an international war criminal….so, welcome to American doublethink where exposing international war crimes...makes YOU an international war criminal.

So, the UK has an arrest warrant on Julian Assange, most likely because they have a deal to extradite him to the US if they ever get the chance….

Okay, the first and most obvious defense for WIkileaks is the United States Constitutions...You know the 1st amendment that protects freedom of speech and press…

If they are going to try and apply this to Wikileaks, then I guess it would apply to other media outlets, too.
So like, when the New York Times published Comey’s memo instead of turning it over to the Department of Justice...
Or when the Guardian published the internal NSA spying documents provided by Edward Snowden...
And where does it end? Is it just the first media outlet to publish something that gets n trouble or does the law continue to apply because I’m pretty sure ABC news and BBC both aired the video that Chelsea manning leaked showing US soldiers opening fire on civilians...Does this count too?

It’s funny how it’s only a crime if Wikileaks does it...maybe because they do it the best. My question is, if Wikileaks goes away, do you think the US intelligence agencies are going to stop there or will they go after the next media organization that decides to expose corruption?

It is a crazy world we live in where we make people political prisoners for doing the right thing. People have to stop falling for the fraudulent programming they are feeding us. When the government claims they are” protecting america” or protecting our national security what they really mean is they are protecting their neocon money grubbing agendas and military industrial complex partnerships from the average citizen of the United States…..They’re protecting themselves...from us.
It’s time we stop falling for it and instead, support people like Julian Assange.

To me, this looks like it applies to someone within the government because it is referring to someone who lawfully has possession and shows it to someone not entitled to receive it aka the media outlet….but if they are going to ty and apply this to Wikileaks, then I guess it would apply to other media outlets, too.
So like, when the New York Times published Comey’s memo instead of turning it over to the Department of Justice...
Or when the Guardian published the internal NSA spying documents provided by Edward Snowden...
And where does it end? Is it just the first media outlet to publish something that gets n trouble or does the law continue to apply because I’m pretty sure ABC news and BBC both aired the video that Chelsea manning leaked showing US soldiers opening fire on civilians...Does this count too?
It’s funny how it’s only a crime if Wikileaks does it...maybe because they do it the best. My question is, if Wikileaks goes away, do you think the US intelligence agencies are going to stop there or will they go after the next media organization that decides to expose corruption?
It is a crazy world we live in where we make people political prisoners for doing the right thing. People have to stop falling for the fraudulent programming they are feeding us. When the government claims they are” protecting america” or protecting our national security what they really mean is they are protecting their neocon money grubbing agendas and military industrial complex partnerships from the average citizen of the United States…..They’re protecting themselves...from us.
It’s time we stop falling for it and instead, support people like julian assange.


The cia IS the deep state black ops. They are not the good guys by any means.