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RE: Top 5 Conspiracy Theories Verified True in 2017

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

I think the real breaking point was the info coming out of the war zones, namely Libya, Syria and Ukraine. These false narratives being pushed by the mainstream propaganda networks were not holding up in the face of first person You Tube videos and the rise of sharing on social media, particularly Facebook and Twitter. Hence the real reason for the censorship agenda that is now being implemented by the Deep State and their acolytes, social media stooges like Eric Schmidt (Google), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) and Jack Dorsey (Twitter), amongst others.

The horrors being inflicted upon innocent people while US and UK backed proxy groups carried out war crimes was, and is, absolutely disgusting to watch. What is just as disgusting is to see the smiling faces of sick minded MSM pundits as they cover it all up and lie directly to the American people and global audiences. Those wars were the real straw that broke the camels back, not Russia. Russia is just the excuse the Empire's Globalists chose to hide behind to hide their responsibility for all this killing and theft of resources. All is smoke and mirrors and the greatest conspiracy theory is that the western powers have been behind ISIS and al-Qaeda all along as they allied with Saudi Arabia which is promoting terrorism around the globe and pumping FSA terrorists from Syria into Europe. They are still sowing chaos. It is intentional. That is what still needs to be revealed fully. Harvey Weinstein's predations against starry eyed women pale in comparison to the atrocities conducted by these western backed terrorist groups that have killed tens of thousands of women, children and families across the Middle East. My latest post on the subject is here, and the evidence to back up my claims is extensive. Prepare to be properly red pilled if you haven't been already.

Now Playing on DTube: Newly Released Video Reveals White Helmets In Syria Linked With ISIS/Media Activists and al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria)

and for those still unaware, the Ukrainian conflict was instigated by the west who financed neo-Nazi far right groups to overthrow the legitimately elected President of Ukraine. Evidence relating to such is here:

The wars and the lies about them are the US's real Achille's Heel. More people need to speak up, unless they want US soldiers and Marines dying for more lies.......a rich man's lie at that. The Global Elite and their media mouthpieces are the real enemy of the people. They sow chaos, they divide and conquer......they continue to lie and coverup the truth. Its time for people, on all sides of the political spectrum, to wake up and fight for truth and expose these war lies.


Perfectly articulated! Hey, on a related topic, will you check out my blog on 9/11? I'd like to get it some more traffic because the intention is to lay out the facts as I know them, both calibrated and accurate.