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RE: Shahidi Shams Naada Thx so much for this Marvelous 15 days in Steemit
OMG you mention me too!! Should I also cry? LOL
No, I will not cry. I will thank you with that head shake made famous by @sharonomics
i cannot forget you hahah look my head
you going to make me rich with autonios right ?
Autonio already made a few millionaires last month with more than 4,000% return:
Did you miss the bus? Not really. Another one is coming if you are ready :)
Look how Autonio is performing in the hands of beginners:
nice well yeah
i like see how people does first so
the second buss its fine
how much you recommend to invest
then you must be really happy been a stakholder and 4000% wow
i am really happy for you and your project i hope i can some day so the same
thx for the video
Well, the next bus is giving out free if you bring your influence and jump early on.

wow thats sound amazing
you know i am Speedy Gonzalez tell me when and how and i will be there : )
What happened to Speedy Gonzalez today?
Didn't see her restreem, upvote or comment on the man who is known for the things he shares :(
yes i did but little late
i was having dinner and cooking after work
i think @sharonomics must be aware the time he publish for a better impact xD ahah
also i think is better if we resteem each one different time so if he publish its better to resteem after 30m and next one after 1h and like that so people dont see same post over and over in few minutes and after there is less shares
i dont know if this is the way to do it i was just thinking about it
so i am giving a second push now
what do you think ?
So what is best time for you?
hahaah i dont mean best for me
i mean if its best all resteeming on the same time or better each one of us in different time ?