Dtube Exclusive - BuzzSteem Ep. 40 [Is Hard Work on Steemit Enough for Success?]

in #dtube7 years ago

Hi guys!

So I'm on day like 20 of the worst headache ever, and I got super craptastic news about my shoulder today!

Aside from that though, I was still able to talk about two very important issues here on Dtube today!

-User @richardcrill and his awesome blog/vlog about bots and how they will destroy Steemit. (as well as @therealwolf's retort.

  • Whether or not you can actually succeed on Steemit with hard work and determination alone!

Hopefully this is some good food for thought!

Until tomorrow, stay Steemy my friends!

xx ~Beth

▶️ DTube

Hi Beth, I did the same thing last week.I thought well,,maybe this is not what I thought it was,money wise.
Boy was i wrong ! there is a whole another world to this besides just what meets the eyes .(Hint) look alittle closer into some user's
accounts and transactions and you will find it.
But I would wait till your headache goes away because you will have to burn a whole in the screen to understand it.
[email protected] (chat-source)
You hit the nail on the head with this one Beth!
Great vid :)

To make money, simply earn today and lock it in as Steem Power, then wait. Provided the bots stop devaluing the currency, that locked in STEEM will rise in value. Unfortunately, the promo bots, when used, make something like $50 beside a post the new breaking even point of $0. That's what people are actually doing to their investment when they use those bots. Even if everyone was forced to pay their tax so they could have a $5 participation award sitting next to their posts, that means $5 equals zero. People know the value beside a post means nothing now because of these bots. That's why people are spending an arm and a leg to use those bots but still not seeing any free high powered votes come in or more views. Then, to ice the cake, someone like me who worked hard(it does help to work hard), that doesn't buy votes, just looks like another one of these bloggers who buys votes... so now, less people feel like coming to my blog to see what's up because they just assume I paid for my votes... which I didn't. Anyway, I'm rambling.

See that's what everyone says, but honestly, I think that Steem's price will eventually just even itself out with fiat, in which case, you don't make squat on your investment, and if you weren't withdrawing at all when the price of SBD was up, then you've lost the opportunity to make gains on your earnings. I think it is as likely that the price of Steem will go down as there is the chance that it will skyrocket. That's what all the investors are banking on, but I just don't see it. For me, I would rather just keep the SP I earn as SP, but I have started taking out SBD and diversifying it. I don't like having all my eggs in one basket.

I am not saying it doesn't help to work hard, I am just questioning the likelihood of being able to really accumulate much wealth when SBD is hovering between 4 and 6 dollars, compared to when it was just cents on the dollar when a lot of the first users started. I imagine Steem was also cheaper when you started too. I think if you didn't get in at the beginning, that the haul upward is a next to impossible one without bots, and I don't see how Steemit can really expand beyond just small communities. As I said in my video, follows mean nothing. Really. Most of the people earning are doing so from whale or app vote. And it's because users only have a certain amount of upvote power, meaning they only have enough for their immediate group of friends/users. Probably not even enough to also support the artists/people they like the most. Now, as I said, I have NO IDEA what tokens actually do and @ned keeps swearing they are going to "even the playing field" but I guess we will have to see! Until then, I truck on trying to come up with new engaging content, and trying to drag people into Steemland with me. :) Oh and ramble away, I appreciate the dialogue!

SBD is supposed to be pegged at one US dollar and it held that peg even back in the day. I use it now to purchase STEEM at a discount. STEEM will go up, SBD has a strong chance of going down to a dollar simply because that's where it's supposed to be. STEEM is a tool. One can use it to earn more by pressing buttons. I might see a dollar or two for voting on this post of yours. Down the road, that'll be worth more. Sure, at first it felt like I was using a butter knife to cut down a tree, but that still made a scratch, progress. The blade gets sharper and sharper. Now I'm using a small chainsaw. I upvoted your post, gave you about $2 in rewards, and I might get that value in US currency for my efforts. Why people choose to rob themselves of this opportunity so they can use their SBD to buy votes baffles me most days. I'll continue leveling up like I'm playing a video game, even if it's a grind. Eventually STEEM and things like Steemit will be a finished product and the STEEM token will be worth something similar what a share in Facebook is worth today. The thing is, if people continue to pass on their rewards to a middleman(vote seller), they're basically giving a handful of people the entire reward pool. That's not smart for business. It's counterproductive. A handful of people can decide to sell someday. Put that stake into the hands of many and even if one sells, the place keeps rocking.

Ok I guess I am confused then. If Steem is independent of SBD value, why does a user's account value drop (in Steem) when the price of SBD goes down? I always figured they were interconnected...

The account value is based on a three day average, I think.

Earlier this year a minnow friend of mine was complaining about not earning much. He based that opinion on his account value. So I showed him... If you have 100 SBD in your wallet, and nothing else, your account value will read $100. Even if each SBD is worth $10 US, it will say you have $100. If you take that SBD and buy STEEM on the internal market and if your 100 SBD was worth $1000, you'd see your account value go up from $100 to $1000. I believe the system that calculates the account value average thinks all SBD is worth $1.

Before you do anything: go to your 'local Chinese doctor' - they treat the frozen shoulders with the exact opposite: lots of heat! It's called cupping and will make your shoulder turn brown/blue (bruised) BUT it helps!

Really, do it. It won't leave any lasting damage if it doesn't help, but if it does (like with my mother who had a lot of pain from Frozen Shoulder too) you will be happy you didn't start the other treatments/operations :-)

Best of luck with it!

Aw thanks so much for the suggestion! I am all about natural healing! I have been using cannabis seed oil on my back for my MS pain and it's amazing!

I was in a hurry to tell you this because the remaining of your VLOG is still playing while we already exchanged two more comments! That's how much I wanted to share this with you! I hope it will work for you too. Cannabis seed oil is amazing indeed <3 I've used it too for pain and recommend it to a lot of people with regular/chronic pains.

I personally think Steem will go up in the long run, but one should diversify. A good account to have is Bitshares so that one can trade on a decentralized exchange. There are three coins (EOS is a token on the ERC20 protocol) that have solved the scaling issue (all done by Dan Larimer), which are EOS, Steem and Bitshares. When companies finally figure out that their smart contracts can't keep up (CryptoKitties slowed ETH to a crawl), they will jump ship into EOS. This is assuming sharding will not fix the problem and that network effect is minimized.

Steem will start to take off as SMT projects come to completion which will probably happen in the latter half of 2018. Bitshares is useful to trade between these two as that can happen using Blocktrades. Bitshares will probably only take off significantly when centralized exchanges and regulators start making serious threats. Bitshares cannot be shut down in the same way that Bitcoin can't be shut down. But centralized exchanges such as Coinbase have their days numbered.

I'm not sure what to think of upvote bots. I'm pretty sure that I would be nowhere without them even though my technical skills are on a par with some of the best programmers in this business (I've written my own planetary calculation algorithms based upon JPL data before switching to the Swiss Ephemeris). Many people talk, but few can do in the field that I worked in for so long (astrology). It's not easy keeping half a million lines of code straight in your head and still have a functioning program, but I still run into those who say they can do better and am still waiting for that to happen.

As such, I don't see whale status or rep score as being a good indicator for the value of one's posts. About the best one can hope for is to filter out some spam with these algols. But those who already made their money on banking fiat, can pour all their wealth into Steem and become a whale overnight and their values will be taken up by Steemit. Upvote bots represent centralization trying to reassert itself. So I upvote myself in the hopes that I might eventually be able to fix this platform before it gets away (assuming @ned wants it fixed) because a rep below 60 has no realistic chance of being listened to.

Network effect unfortunately has centralization tendencies so creating a new Steem blockchain that fixes these issues is not realistic unless it's done by someone with established cred in this field.

They didn't listen to Satoshi Nakamoto in the beginning either but because that code was open source, it made it unattractive for the thieves to try to steal (unlike my code which was heavily sought after between 2005 - 2010) by the top names in the business (astrology.com, alabe.com, Cosmic Patterns, etc). Your ideas will be lifted if you're a "no name" and claimed by someone else as their own. Satoshi managed to avoid that fate by open sourcing in a provable way (blockchain consensus).

One more problem is that optimally Steemit encourages about 4 posts per day to achieve optimal success. This is what you have to do if you're not already established. The problem is that posting this many times a day is not conducive to serious and well considered thought. There's no game theoretical incentive to post less often and do a better job. I've felt this limitation in my own blog because posting once a day is about what's necessary to not lose following if you're not established. The quality of my posts suffer because of it. But then again, if I really got into the technical details of explaining why I think the way I do, many people would be lost fairly quickly. My next post will be on quantum mechanics and will probably illustrate my point.

lYour posts and replies are always a bit over my head, but I am doing best to understand everything as much as possible. Steemit is definitely not the most welcoming place for luddites like myself but I am trying!

I think part of the problem what you said about content is while we are steeming towards 1 million people, there is no where near enough content creators.... in turn other content creators who are not getting noticed, is because people are following those who are already up there. It's hard earning on steemit, its not get rich quick and people need to understand this personally I would say steemit would be better to blank out figures or part of a figure above lets say 5 sbd, people it might actually make people look at what other people have to write.

Well to me it's not whether it's get rich quick so much as, get rich ever. As I commented above, the "you can make it rich on Steemit" crowd are the ones that are 100% counting on the price of Steemit skyrocketing. There is no other way to make money on your investment. As people have noticed, when the price of Steem goes down, the price of your investment goes down as well. I think because Steemit is unlike other cryptos, where the crypto is limited and more isn't created every day, that Steemit's value will never increase the way that investors hope it might. But as I said, I guess we shall wait and see.

I'm with you on the confusion on SMTs. I understand what they do... I just don't understand where the value in them comes from....

If you create 10,000 BETHs and give me one... what value does it have? I'm guessing it has no value until someone wants my BETH and will give me something I want for it. We've seen it work with cryptocurrencies, but behind the crypto there is always the technology that someone is backing to succeed.

CryptoKitties had value, people were paying heaps for them because they were fun and cute... until they weren't... and I'm sure people have now lost hundreds of dollars on kitties no one will buy. These Tokens though, I'm just not really sure where they get their value from.

I'm sorry your shoulder sucks. I've never been a believer in resting, but it's always hard to know if you're doing the right thing or not. I'm definitely all about heat though... if you've got some spare cash, maybe look into a heated pad?

I'm with you on the side gig... but look at our yoga friends... they keep producing fun content until whales took notice, and they're doing okay. I'm just not sure if that's going to be possible for everybody.

Chiropractor help get rid of my headache after a year, but then again it is probably linked to your MS. Hope you feel better soon.

As for the bots, I don't know what to think. I only started posting last week after joining the week before. I have read some great content and seen some great video, but they sit at zero. Whilst others are clearly spam content and they have 100 of dollars. But still, if you can use them and do create good content I believe it could work in gaining traction and getting seen by other. In other words, it could be seen as a form of paid marketing within the steemit platform.

Totally! I think the real beef with them is that people have to pay for them, whereas, whales used to just give those same comments an upvote without having to buy that upvote!

I never thought of a chiropractor! Once I get my MRI results back confirming I don't have a torn rotator cuff, I may consider that option!

I hope you start feeling better. And I'll be praying for your healing of your shoulder. I'm not a Christian, but I do pray. 😎

Hey @bethwheatcraft ...Thanks for giving us one more dtube video.
We highly waiting for this..
I already seen your previous video....
Be well !!