Hello everyone, sorry I've been late with my vlogs! So Ivar has been sick and I have been really just looking after him. Making loads of food, shopping, cooking and making ginger lemon tea all day! Hope you enjoy this short vlog :))) Going to try and pop to the gym!
▶️ DTube ▶️ IPFS
Sad to hear about health of you both.
But always believe that everything happens for good.
I suffered from stomach ulcers 4 months back and it was really painful but due to that i came in proper schedule, started sleeping early and waking up early which i was trying to do from many years !!
And now health has become my first priority, i take very good care of my eating habits now and eat healthy food only.
Also, due to this i started working out regularly which i never used to do so yes, believe that everything will work out the best in the end.
We cant understand god’s plan.
There were so many other GOOD things that took place due to my illness. I aint able to remember all of a sudden but yes it completely changed my life.
So have faith, and good luck :)
You are a strong lady Alla 😘
yeah i think sleep is something that most people underate. I really try going to bed early every night! :) heheh im glad you are better now!!! thanks!!! Im not as sick as he is, but we will get better!! :)) xxx
I'm on my to 40 and I rarely feel ill from what I eat, and I often eat rather unhealthy stuff (bbq ribs, donuts, etc). Guess I should be thankful for my good fortune. I hope you people get better soon, Alla! You should probably avoid sauces / hot sauces / complex sauces and such for some time. Maybe instead eat baked chicken, and simple pasta. OK with some Parmegian maybe! ;) Or something. Just don't upset your stomachs for a few days and you will feel better.
Indeed this is the case sleep deprivation suppresses immune response This is not something you think or are even told about when you are 20 something, but it is a fact.
Add that to the likelihood that Ivar constantly mixes with the public who are sweating, coughing or spitting half the time and it does not take a rocket scientist to work out you have to be careful.
In terms of general health though immune booster ingredients like garlic, ginger and turmeric will help a lot more than vitamin C. The body flushes out extra vitamins so it is pointless trying to take more than is needed. Just have a mixed diet and plenty of fluids and rest and you should be fine sooner not later.
Get well soon though. There's a void where you are supposed to be.
It is not in any regard to eat more. Body and weight will not increase. If you go to sleep every day, blackjiras and cats eat a little @allasyummyfood
Get well soon beautiful!! May you both feel better very soon! 💜
this is very-very beautiful friends allasyummyfood, it's amazing, amazing really amazing, hope you keep work.and healthy and success always, thanks for sharing with us friend.
Keep it up!
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You can find the article here Purp...
Wow! Ivar is still down? Oh my...i am so sorry. How is he feeling now? My warm regards to him. You see why you need my apartment very close to yours now? Hahaha.
That is one delicious looking treat, my friend.
Oh!! sorry to hear that, I wish him a speedy recovery.
Yummy as always, good job.100%
Oh shit, hopefully he gets better :)