nah scalability is not an issue being a developer i can tell you that the solutions to scale BTC are already here but consensus is an issue.I guess every one likes the idea of Lightning network so we may have consensus .
nah scalability is not an issue being a developer i can tell you that the solutions to scale BTC are already here but consensus is an issue.I guess every one likes the idea of Lightning network so we may have consensus .
I didn't like what I saw with the lightning network at first. The idea of creating IOU's and limit between two peers ...
I might have to look deeper more into it for better understanding.
Nah your'e right i didn't really like Lightining network at first either but when you study how Visa and other such systems are working at-least on the technical end you tend to think that lightning network is ok .The one thing i am impressed by is the fact that people are constantly working on improvements but i think consensus is the key and it appears that lightning network has enough of a consensus.Always remember as long as the code is open source its still a win in comparison to how traditional systems work.