I Had Zero Steem At The All Time High!
Exactly 1 year ago, Steem went nuts and hit what I believe is the all time high in terms of price. I had not been on here for a week yet, so I had exactly zero Steem, so I couldn't participate in the bonanza even if I wanted to.
Besides, at this point, I wasn't even convinced yet that this Steem thing was actually real money. I was yet to perform all the tests, and I hadn't yet met the wonderful people of the community that helped me learn on the way up such like @redrica and @ultravioletmag.
I remember all the videos and blog posts showing absolutely ridiculous payouts. There is one video that stuck to my mind; of a lady exclaiming "OMG! Steem! The price! OMG! haha, its gone past seven dollars! Steem! OMG!". That was pretty much the whole video. From memory, it received one of the highest payouts of the week.
Oh how things have changed since then. Now, a year later, we are closer to the all time low than the other way round.
I think people have been holding out hope that there will be a natural high in early January (which could still happen by the way), but I think the unfortunate truth is that Steem, like most cryptos, is still married to BitCoin. When the day comes that Steem asserts its independence, it will have a positive effect on the price I think.
Today I watched an amazing video on YouTube by a content creator that used to upload on DTube very regularly. Someone that did very well indeed from the high prices of Steem. I had a quick look at their account, and they haven't posted in a long time. They're also powering down and taking the money out. I guess they've lost faith in Steem, or perhaps just need the money, who knows. What I don't understand is why they don't put those videos on here too. It's not like they're making money on YouTube. We could use such high quality content on here.
What can I say? Let's steem on! I believe that one day things will improve for the better. I really believe it.
So, were you around last January 3rd? What was your experience of the all time high?
Peace and Love ✌🏿
All copy and photos are original content by me.
© adetorrent.com
▶️ DTube
A year ago i was on Twitter trying to be an influencer, sharing my supposed deep thoughts for free. I got to know about steem in May, I think. Lost my first account, created this one and I have been here ever since.
Posted using Partiko Android
Twitter is a funny place. There are a lot of people that go 'viral' and then think, well, what now? haha. Epic waste of time if you ask me.
Been on Twitter for over 8-9 years, I think, and nothing positive came out of it. Well, except the few friends I made who I don't talk to anymore and the large followings (of which many are inactive now). Well, I hope it counts for something now with this nathan's project and I am trying to get more people aware of steem on Twitter. So it's not completely useless.
Posted using Partiko Android
That's one silver lining I guess. Some people have been successful marketing to their Twitter followers, but those are super engaged fans. I love Nathan's project a lot.
I'm in that twitter project too. I used to get a lot of Affiliate sales from twitter, but no longer. Lot's of action on me account now though, thanks to Nathan. I hope we can attract more crypto people to get in here. Time will tell.
It was an epic time when STEEM was at it's peak, tho I just have heard about it. I have been here for roughly 5 months now, and have seen a healthy variation in the prices, The time I joined here, at that moment STEEM stood at nearly 0.8$ & SBD was at 1.1 $
I don't have much knowledge about the crpyto market but one thing is known to me i.e when the prices rise, It's a Good News ! 😅😅
Anyways I do wanna also witness the STEEM touchin the skies, It would be a great thing to experience.
I hope that time is comin :)
And I wish you have a lot of STEEM when its happens this time Ade !
I plan to be powered up for as long as reasonable. I will build up a small pot of liquid Steem in savings so I can bank some if the price suddenly goes up. My dream is to one day bank the equivalent fiat I invested in Steem without having to power down. Then going forward, it will all be free money.
Its definitely a great plan!
Best Wishes for ya! :)
Posted using Partiko Android
Please don't cash it out yet. I agree with you on the “annual systematic of price changes of steem” not following the normal trend of the other cryptocurrency. I had nothing then too, but we are here now.
Not going anywhere my friend.
A year ago I was wandering South America thinking that at a point I would be able to sustain myself just from steem. My dream ended in may when I get back to work :)
Posted using Partiko Android
A lot of people have this kind of story :) South America, South East Asia, Africa.. :)
Maybe it will happen again this year.
I was also still pretty new on Steemit one year ago during the all time high and the silly, crypto-virginal me thought that price was actually the norm! :D That was also why I decided to abandon all projects I was working on back then and dive head-first into fulltime steeming :D I still refuse to consider that move a mistake though - being persistent and hopeful is the way to survive these lows :)
There was a guy who moved to the Canary Islands to be a full time Steemian. The idea was that life is cheaper (and warmer ☀️) there. Every content creator's dream.
Hahaha, tried that myself too :D Warmer yes, cheaper no :D But Latin America is an option if that guy wants to give it another try :)
Also Thailand I hear. You can live ok on $500 a month. Amairite @waybeyondpadthai?
But you're prince over there.
But I want to be King

I was around when last year January 3rd when steem was all time high. But I was busy powering up to reach 1k steem power, so I didn't cash anything out.
Hadn't been I knew that the price will come down so low like this, I would have taken something out then, and invested it in other things, because my estimated steem dollar value was around $10k then.
Yeah. If only we all could see the future eh? haha. well, don't worry, one day it will soar to $100 and you'll be a millionaire :)
$100!!!? OK. Hehehehehe!!!. Yah I have actually dreamt about the price reaching that high.
Hmmm - we should really ask these people about their 'why'. It's key to understand how we can retain people, especially those that are more or less 'successful' (however we can measure that ;-))
I remember in januari I catched a automatic 'whale vote' so every post got huge upvotes and in one week I earned 1500$ if I had powered down and cashed out! Now my whole account is not even double that, lol, oh no, not lol, cries out loud.
Meanwhile the only whale vote I've ever had is from DTube.

If I ever become a whale I'll upvote you until you're a whale yourself - immutable statement on the blockchain
Muahahaha. I'm taking a screenshot too in case haha.
Smart man. That's why you deserve to become a whale :P
I joined the party just a week after ATH. On the 10th of January.
Price was still high...around 4.5$ - 5$ if I can recall correctly and just like you I had nothing. Just the delegated 15SP from Steemit so that my account can transact.
Hopefully these days will revive at some point
... plus we thought Steem would go to $20 the following month haha. SMTs were apparently about to be released then hahaha.
Whatever goes rapidly up will at some point go back down. In our case it lasted a whole year bet hey...look at me...look at you...we would possibly own 200 steem if prices were still up there.
While now...oh boy...just think of the possibilities.
PS. Needless to write anything about smt's and Steemit Inc's schedule
A year ago I had no idea what crypto was lol I was busy investigating the Las Vegas shooting. Which led my friends to getting banned from YT.. hence finding Steemit through my banned friends. How dare we ask questions lol.. anyhow I am glad for the censorship.. as it is what led me to this wonderful platform! And here we are today! Also I am in the midst of a plan I set in motion as a New Years resolution to become a dolphin before I turn 10 months old on Steemit as of Jan. 12 2019! I am a few days in and I buy roughly 25.00 Canadian dollars every single day worth of Steem! I am just 9 days or so away from dolphinhood! Eeek Eeek Ekkk Claps fins with excitement while Ade places shiny ball on my nose!! hehehehe oh dear I am silly again.. ok I will go now! lol :P
Oddly enough I found a photo of you and I on google :D hehehe
Hahahaha.. OMG. This is the kind of dolphin you'll be

I've been on the grounds of that shooting (not at the time) - Mandalay Bay.
Aww yes this is the kind I will be :D
Oh dear yes what a horrible incident! You would not believe the hours I poured into that case. As a parent I was really hurt thinking that every person there was someones child. The whole thing really bothered me so deeply that I spent a great deal of time trying to understand the facts surrounding it. I still have no peace in the matter. But I have tried to put it behind me now. For some reason that particular case haunted me for a while.
Yeah, it's best to not think about it too much. You can't change what happened. Thing is, it was only news for a few weeks before another incident took the attention away from Vegas.
Yes I noticed that too. I have decided to try not to think about those things. Your right.
Omg I had like 130 sbd at the time and I had just started also about 3 months prior. I was lucky and got curied that’s why I got to that amount petty fast and I did cash out to pay my vacation in colombia. So I got well over $1000 back then and I remembered thinking “oh yeah steemit is gonna make me rich” 😂
Posted using Partiko iOS
Wow! Now that's the way to spend your payout. Investing in experiences :)
I can imagine how you must have felt (especially if you had been blogging on Facebook or something like that before) and suddenly you see real money :D
Yeah it was awesome! We were going to stay in a cheap hostel and upgraded to a nicer hotel in medellin, so it was Niceto know I could do this because I had written some successful articles. I hope we’ll get back to those prices sooner rather than later, I kinda need it right now 😜
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You could charge Steem for belly touching. Now that's some Oracle-d level stuff.