SEC-S20W3 | Business Ideas | Dev's Teaching Team | Marketing Strategies

in #dtt-sc20w35 months ago (edited)
We are pleased to have completed the first two weeks of SEC Season-20, and now we enter into the Third week with new questions and a few tips.

We come to the topic straight away and share a short description of what we expect from the participants. This week we are expecting specific answers from the users in business or willing to enter a business to stick to the point and avoid generic answers. Please keep your answers based on your own experiences or what you expect to do if you find yourself in a situation in question.


Source edited

Our topic of the week is "Marketing Strategies"

Now we know and understand that most businesses listed in this contest so far are small-scale businesses barring a couple but marketing is crucial to succeed. Your business can do better if you have a plan of marketing strategies to run it successfully.

Customer support

We follow different customer service techniques but most problems you can solve using techniques of empathy, explanation, and engagement. I will give you a few main points empathy, apologize, and diagnose.

The main aim is to understand the customer's problems and make customers feel heard and understood so that you can strengthen brand affinity and loyalty. You have to tell me within 200-250 words about your understanding of how will you solve the problem if you find yourself in this situation.

Professional hiring, if any

If you have an increasing business and need more staff then what is your hiring plan? We know as the business grows it involves hiring resources depending on your financial resources and company goals. Please explain all these points within 200-250 words:

What are your company goals, do you have any plans to fill any roles in the future if yes, what category of staff will you appoint?

Expansion plans

If you have an expansion plan that defines the strategy you are willing to follow for growth and achieve your targets, then what are your expansion plans? Please explain within 200-250 words:

Your plan and measures adopted, analysis of your company growth, your business is running in profit, and your best option of how you plan to achieve this growth in the future.

Aggressive or soft marketing strategies

We understand that most businesses listed in this contest are small-scale businesses but marketing is crucial to succeed.

We know marketing is an important tool even for a new business and we know you need funds for marketing however, this doesn’t mean that you cannot promote your startup if you have a limited budget.

In fact, with a little creativity and determination, you can still conduct an effective marketing program.

Have you any plans to engage with your customers rather than just sell and forget them? Will you create credibility through giveaways and samples that also play a role in attracting customers to your business?

Tell us all about your plan and this applies to all businesses of any size that need to attract the end user covering all these points within 200-250 words.

Contest Rules
  1. Posts must be published on your blog (not in any community), and you should submit your post link in the comment section under this post, and don't forget to resteem this post.

  2. The title must be: SEC-S20W3 | My Business Ideas |Marketing Strategies

  3. The post must contain the required number of words as specified in the topics.

  4. Your post must be free from plagiarism, artificial intelligence (AI), or any unfair means.

  5. Use the main hashtag #dtt-sc20w3 among the first 4 tags #steemexclusive # yourcountryname # club.

  6. If using the hashtag # burnsteem25 make sure you have set 25% of the reward to @ null

  7. Please mention your club status if any.

  8. Invite 3 friends to participate in this contest.

9 Your post must be #steemexclusive.

  1. Please interact with other users.

  2. Please use images that you own or from free image-sharing websites like Pixabay, Unsplash, Pexels, etc., and mention their source.

This contest starts on Monday, September 23rd, 2024, and ends on September 29th, 2024 midnight, UTC Time Zone.


We shall select five users every week that might get a vote from SC01/SC02.

Other Steem Curators might upvote based on the quality of your posts. In addition to these five, we shall select three additional posts and pay them

Our team will pay SIX Steem Power to all five selected posts and recommend winning posts to SC01/02.

We shall pay FOUR Steem each as a consolation prize to 3 more deserving posts.

This week the total price money = 42 Steem
5x6- 30 Steem
3x4- 12 Steem

We will check all posts thoroughly and rank them based on their quality.

Please note-

We will choose the winners based on the quality of the post. A quality post is all about covering all points and staying on point within stipulated limits of words and proper context.

The team's decision will be final and binding on all entries irrespective of the post points to the contestants.

Please note- Our queries (if any) in the moderation section and your clarification in the comment section will enhance your chances and will play a major role in your reaching the top five slots and also the three additional prizes.

Let's read your plans, all the best.

Your involvement with other users in the contest will be a positive factor but not decisive. Make sure your comments add value and are not a repeat of what the poster has already said in their posts.

Please use proper markdown.

Special Note:

Write your post on your blog by selecting "My Profile" on your dashboard and clicking 'postmark' near your profile picture. Posts in other communities will not count as eligible entries.

The post-checking report


Hello @

Thanks for sharing your post in "Dev's Teaching Team"

Here are the feedback and evaluation results:

Point 1. /2

Point2. /2

Point3. /2

Point4. /2

Quality /2

Score /10

AI Free ☑️

Plagiarism free ☑️


Checked by <@>

Please quote


This teaching team is very simple, educational and interactive. Since from week 1 have been able to acquire so many things that I'm putting into practice in my daily life. This week 3 is another awesome one I know a lot of users will take part. My entry is on the way.

Yes, I wanted to make my questions tough and more business-like but then I thought I should keep them simple so my team could attract users and not look barren. Thanks for your sweet words.

Once again we have come with our competition with a very interesting topic and hope that we will get to read some good strategies here.
Goodluck for us.

Wow so much for me to actually take home from this week edition and definitely I will be dropping my own entry very soon. Thank you for preparing this as it is very detail, educative and knowledgeable.

Even without me not yet starting to participate, I have learnt a lot just by reading this post that I believe every entrepreneur should also read this. It will help them to understand much more better the right approach they should have to their business. Thank you for this contest