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RE: Who Do I Love Morning Walking Meditation! #191

in #dsound7 years ago

This is really great, I know I'm seeing this a bit late but better late than never! I feel like this kind of active meditation is perfect for people with kids or people that tend to wake up with a lot of energy. Me personally I kind of slosh out of bed. I like to curl up and reflect on my dreams and sit in a space with positive affirmations like, may I be aligned on a path for my highest good, may I be in the flow of love today, thank you for today, may my guides, ancestors and angels for my highest good be with me today and guide me. I wish I was diligent at doing it EVERY day but it certainly helps when I do. I love yours though! Really simple, really great! I guess a morning chakra balancing or activating meditation mantra might be great too... like I "thank you creator and spirit for my safety and support, thank you for my ability to create, love and share, thank you for my strength to be who I am, thank you for the ability to love myself, friends, family, and community, thank you for my ability to share and express myself, thank you for my clarity and insight, and thank you for my connection to life itself." Haha wow this post really gets the creative meditation ideas flowing doesn't it!?