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RE: Intermediary Scribe

in #dsound7 years ago

The contemplation of nature in highest posts produces inevitable delight. To go beyond the ecstasy and conceive the possibility of multiple worlds connected by wingged recorders is to let the sublime express its grandeur through the rudiments of our language.

Intermediary Scribe

That contact with nature makes us discover unknown gifts; alternative orientation devices, like that of blind bats, that may or may not come from within.

We certainly wish we could have the tools to understand the manifestations of the astros, to be able to transcribe the pictograph of the sun, or the moon's. If we could, it would be easier to see how the land is still there even when we don't see it, and so everything in it and out of it.

I like the image of the "mental skeining", not as in a skein of lies, but as in a knotted story written with the yarns of nature.


Your response made me consider that the particular longing to transcribe the beauty of dream also pertains to our relative inability to do so for the natural wonders in waking life, as well. This one was fun to write because I had just woken up and I tried out an odd verse form I've never used, sort of a modified, non-rhyming sonnet with four quatrains of syllable count 10/7/10/6 in iambic pentameter. The constrictions of verse makes the mathematical side of me happy and there's a great sense of fulfillment upon completing such a piece :-) Of course, this can all come at the expense of the poetry, but I enjoy the challenge nonetheless.

Hahaha. This is funny. It is precisely the constrictions of verse, the non-mathematical side of me, what prevents me from even trying that sonnet @marlyncabrera was suggesting.

Lol. I suppose it depends on the person, but there are few things in the world I find more fun (and challenging) than writing sonnets. I highly recommend overcoming the initial hurdles and treating it as an efficient exercise to improve mastery of a language, should you get the inclination to try. The result is less important than the process, in my view.

Sure, the pleasure and satisfaction got to be in the journey. We can't expect to debunk Shakespeare or something. That kind of pressure would ruin the experience. I see it like karaoke singing when you can't catch a tune. You have to be inebriated :)