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RE: Off-the-tracks train

in #dsound7 years ago

The tracks as synonym of monotonous order, homogeneity, or discipline is a great image to consider in this assembly line society we live in.
A lot has been said about the inner search and the pursue of individuality, uniqueness, originality or whatever we want to call it. Religion, the opium of the masses, as some have called it, has not helped much in this enterprise.

The off-track trains in our societies (we do have many; to them we owe whatever good we assume humanity is capable of) crush the obstacles that prevent humanity from developing its potential. Yet, not many follow suit. An off track train screams disaster, trouble with authority, the need to act differently if we truly want different results. Many, like the guy in the picture get off such trains surreptitiously. Better safe than sorry, they say.

We seem to be saturated with a conformist inclination to comply. Ingenuity and uniqueness takes a lot of work. How much of that is part of our innate wiring? How much is learned?

In attempt to encourage and respect differences we have been compressed, as you suggest, suffocated by an outer imposed illusion of difference that actually puts everyone on similar bins. Millions becoming part of cults and sub-cultures thinking they are actually going against mainstream.

I loved the image of the slotted spoon to represent the minds of those whose inability to retain one single “instruction” leading to self-realization challenges comprehension (especially when we consider how easily they follow dozens of instruction on how to remain mediocre). Our world is certainly a “noodle ocean of casual doodles spoken.” Who would not want to jump out of that sea and be that fish out of the water?