CryptoBasic Podcast: Karim's Fireside chats #2 - History of Codes and Encryption Part 1

in #dsound6 years ago

It’s the return of the FireSide Chat, and this time we exploring the history of codes and encryption. These episodes take on a narrative style, exploring historical concepts through the stories of the people who shaped the world we live in. We look at the development of writing as a means to process information, the techniques which evolved in order to protect that information, and explore how statistics revolutionized the world of encryption. It’s a history geek-out, but we promise there’s no homework!

Cited Works:

“Al-Kindi, Abu Yusuf Ya‘Qub Ibn Ishaq (d.” Greek Philosophy: Impact on Islamic Philosophy,

“Al-Kindi, Cryptography, Code Breaking and Ciphers.” A 1000 Years Amnesia: Sports in Muslim Heritage | Muslim Heritage,

ancient-origins. “The House of Wisdom: One of the Greatest Libraries in History.” Ancient Origins, Ancient Origins,

“The Black Chamber.” The Black Chamber,

“Denise Schmandt-Besserat.” Ergonomic Workplace,

Desonie, Dana. “Agriculture and Human Population Growth.” CK-12 Foundation, CK-12 Foundation, 6 Aug. 2016,

“The Graeco-Arabic Translation Movement in Baghdad (Circa 750 – 975).” About,

Herodotus, and Robert B. Strassler. The Landmark Herodotus: the Histories. Anchor Books, 2009.

“History of Encryption.” SANS Institute,

“House of Wisdom.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 23 June 2018,

“In Our Time, Al-Kindi.” BBC, BBC, 28 June 2012,

Kahn, David. The Codebreakers: the Story of Secret Writing. Macmillan Publishing Company, 1996.

Loeb, James. Plutarch: Moralia. Harvard University Press, 2005.

“The Man Who Cracked the Kama Sutra Code.” The Telegraph, Telegraph Media Group, 5 Oct. 2000,

Mark, Joshua J. “Writing.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, Ancient History Encyclopedia, 23 June 2018,

“Neolithic Revolution.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 24 May 2018,

Singh, Simon. The Code Book: the Secret History of Codes and Code-Breaking. Fourth Estate, 2000.

Ambient Music

Brandon Fiechter. “Arabian Nights.” Magical Creatures, 2013.

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Great episode! Love how far back into the depths of her evolution of human language you went! Great work!

Karim... I absolutely loved this podcast. Your research and explanations were fantastic, as ever.
However, please, please, please, do not attempt to do a upper class (or any type of) British accent at the start again.

Rest of it was fantastic though.