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RE: Uncontradictory

in #dsound7 years ago

So please show mercy for me God,
Run on the path that is right,
The floor will be easy, show the way to stray.
No one hurt hurt my words
So show mercy on us.
Appreciation of hunger disadvantages,
Make me fit for achieving the goal,
Regrettably, people do not have anyone
Do not be disqualified , on D-pend sir,
So you make us ,so you make us..
Regards to @dpend sir.


Reads like a devotional prayer, thank you @certain!


A devotional prayer!

Daniel ... don't you get any ideas. Given your fascination with all things "cosmic," we're already on dangerous ground. :-)

Although, the way some of the "true believers" talk about cryptocurrencies, I suppose we're already half way there. I suppose we could make you a pope or something ... if you have no objection to wearing funny hats. :-)


Hahaha, I've heard multiple people refer to "the crypto religion." Some real zealots out there!


Post a pic of you wearing a funny hat and robe while sporting a magic staff, and I'll write a poem that will have them rolling on the floor speaking in tongues: "Booglia booglia dapps hoompapa hoompapa decentralize iglooacio bla-humph github."
