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RE: I am a vegan terrorist

in #dsound6 years ago

The saddest part is that the meat industry doesn't have to be cruel, people are just too concerned with paying as little as possible.

Don't worry tyger, my lady chooks came from a nice farm in the countryside where they had grow up roaming a big field and mini orchard. I won't even buy them from the farmers market anymore as so many of them have been raised in cages and I just don't want to support that. One of the few advantages of capitalism, is being able to vote with your money, only buy from establishments you want to support.

We are lucky enough to be far enough into the countryside to be able to buy from local farmers who use more traditional rural methods so you know exactly how they were looked after. I have even found a dairy which doesn't separate the calf's from the cows, they only milk the excess milk from nursing mothers, and each cow is given at least a year off between each calf, it was founded by vegans who believed the problem was with the treatment of the animal, the forced milk production and yanking away of the baby. I think what I am trying to say is, the meat industry doesn't have to be half as cruel as it is. It is too much of a machine. Slowly but surely, we are seeing more RSPCA approved meat on the shelves in the UK so overall, very slowly, the terrorism is kinda paying off ;)


@calluna I love you, and while the methods you describe are clearly kinder they still only marginally reduce the inherent cruelty of enslaving and murdering others for the joy of ones pallet. Then there is the insane waste of resources and the impact on the destruction of our habitat. None of this is justifiable, it is just conditioning that makes us think we have the right to do this to other creatures. The natural lifespan of a cow is 20-25 years even in the best of places they barely make it over the age of 5. Also killing someone who does not want to die can never bee seen as kind. 90% of rural farms outsource the slaughter the procedure is brutal the cows beg and fight every step of the way. Even in the UK i have a friend who worked there and went vegan because of it he can tell you how cows literally cry out of fear , how they are often not stunned enough and skinned alive and other horrible things . As for dairy cows a tribal beings they often stay together a lifetime and while the method of letting the baby nurse is nicer, it still does not erase the fact that the mother is raped )or if you like it better forcibly inseminated ) forced to have children that are then taken away. most boys are killed a few weeks after and in conventional farms often right after birth. No matter how long the mother is allowed "to keep" her baby they grieve horribly when they finally have their children taken. And no matter how kind they are treated producing milk for such long periods will always come with painful infections and is not pleasant for longer periods of time . i have been there and any mother will tell you it sux .

Do you know that the resources it takes to produce just one pound of meat can have you shower for a week and could feed 30 people huge meal of rice and veggies ? do you know that most of the grain, soy and non grass feed fed to livestock is grown in the third world and sold for mere pennies to the developed world, while their people are starving . Fact next to political red tape the meat dairy and egg industry are the number one reason for world hunger . If we took out the meat and dairy industry we could feed the world 3-5 times over ...ponder this.

Also the meat dairy and egg industry are the number one polluter of soil and water all over the world . In some countries it is so bad that it creates huge ocean dead zones that are literally void of life and oxygen where a fish would die the minute it swims into it because there is nothing to breath .
The industry is also the main reason for the deforestation of the middle and south American rain forests . Why because they grow crops for our livestock and also host livestock for Americans and some European companies. in the last 20 years we have cut down 80% of our rain forests our green lung ! for what our greed our pallet it is insane .

To make things worse it is estimated that if we do not stop fishing the ocean as we do it will be void of relevant life by 2045-50 now i don't have to tell you what happens when an eco system is disrupted like that it potentially can turn. The ocean produces 60-80$ of our breathable oxygen what do yuo think will happen if great portions of it die off ? They literally will be selling us air to breath and those who cannot afford it will be riddled with the kind of illnesses and short lifespans that some mountain tribes in high altitudes suffer from . I am not making this up this is climate and environmental science that has been out there for years but no one cares .

And last but not least even the nicest farm contributes to climate change . In fact the meat dairy and egg industry is the main contributor to climate change it beats even the world transportation industry which comes at a close second unless you factor in the fuel use for meat transport ect then it gets even worse ). And again for what ? for human enjoyment , for taste , for unnecessary pleasure . We no longer need to do this we have viable alternatives and choices we choose not to , because we like what we like , or it is convenient and because it is not us who are enslaved , tortured and murdered . It really is pretty horrific .

For the die hard corpse eaters they are developing vat meat options but we are not there yet and the methodology is still cruel as fuck . Fact is that everyone who still partakes in this is not only hurting animals but is also taking food of the plates of children in the third world while killing our planet and future of the next generations. we cannot force corporations to stop doing what they are doing but we literally could save or at least reduce the really harrowing things that are coming in the next 20 years with something as simple as what we put on our plate , yet most people choose they rather have their , milk cheese and eggs future and world be damed ... it makes me so angry and frustrated.

As for the people who founded your farm they are not vegans veganism is not a diet, that is a misconception many have nowadays . Veganism is a moral philosophy based in animal rights . Vegans exclude anything that contains or is made of animal components . We also eat a plant based diet. i assume the people ere plant based and semi animal friendly but a vegan would never strive to enslave another being for profit .

As for you hens i am glad you love them but answer me this , what happens to their brothers when they are born ? And what to them after they cannot lay anymore ? Personally I can deal with hens living with families as long as they have a place for life and are not killed although I personally am not really a fan of eating hen period :P (on top of it being so unhealthy that it is actually illegal in the u.s (that sells everything usually to their consumers without even blinking an eye ) to call them nutritious or healthy by U.S law!).

But besides that I do not see so called "humane" meat as a win . For me "paying off" will be when there is no more animal industry . no more animals in research , no more animals used for human purpose . And the world is either plant based or eats corpse grown in vats . That is when for me there will be a payoff .

Calm down, I wasn't disagreeing with you lol it takes a long time for cultural change you are aiming for to happen, I was just saying it has already started to have an effect, the work people have been doing over the past few decades has shaped opinions, to the point where it is reflected on supermarket shelves, where farmers are thinking about the welfare of the animals over profit. It isn't perfect, it isn't the big win but you can't change the world overnight. It is change, and a step in the right direction. I didn't mean to upset you, I wasn't meaning all the goals have been met, just that you can see the effects already, there is a lot more to come. Shopping anywhere that sells meat is supporting the trade, and in the past few years, we have got a vegan shop in town, there is finally the demand there. Slowly but surely, the tide is turning. We are a long way from your plant based world still but it isn't the distant reality it once was. I am not totally vegan yet, but I won't go into that, although I am by no means uninformed on the topic having seen most things in person - it does seriously impact my choices, I eat a lot of vegan meat alternatives, I don't eat anything from the ocean, avoid dairy as much as I can and always try to buy locally sourced produce or grow my own.

I have no intention of killing or getting rid of my pet chickens when they stop laying. The fact they lay eggs has nothing to do with them being pets or not, they are more ornamental breeds, so they don't lay all the time anyway. I do sell the eggs, but the money just goes on extra chicken treats. We take them to the vet, and pay the huge bills, we wouldn't disown them for not laying! The farm we got these four from also sold the males to people as pets, they are garden breeds, the lady who had the farm didn't sell eggs commercially, she just enjoyed having chickens around. I spent weeks looking into local places that sold chickens to find somewhere that wasn't breeding and selling for profit.

In terms of being able to live entirely off the land in the UK, where you can't grow the same crops as you can worldwide, eating chicken eggs has protein based benefits. Chickens can genuinely have a better life as pets than they could in the wild, they rarely do but that doesn't make it impossible. Long term, we hope to be able to build our own eco off grid homestead, where we can grow most of our food and produce our own electricity, reducing our carbon emissions as much as possible. We have talked about the possibility of other animals, we already have a rabbit, and again, she can more space, a better diet and a very happy life roaming around the house and garden. I do agree to some extent on the 'human purposes' - it is hard to know where to draw the line on it, I find it hard to have the heart to turn my back on so many species, they survived in the wild before us, but we have taken their wild. I am pro humanity, but I can't deny the good that there being a lot less of us would do nature.

I am not upset i am just pointing out stuff and actually you get enough protein from plants and eggs are more than unhealthy as protein source . there are some really scary studies from Harvard medical school on that. Do you know that there is no such thing as a protein deficiency and that this whole focus on protein is just propaganda form the industry ? the only thing vegans need to be carful of is B12 issues but considering that 60% of humans on this planet are b12 deficient including the corpse eaters it is a general issue . Love you am not mad at you :)

P.s and i do not advocate turning the back on them, we owe them all , but we need to crate sanctuaries and even new ways to live with companion animals eventually as what we are doing now is morally just a mess ...i have some ideas on that but i will talk about that another time ...

watch this please

and this one on facebook to see how after a year of being separated two sister cows were reunited and how happy they were about it and how they recognised each other then please tell me how taking a child cow after a short period can be considered humane.. it really is not :(