Discover the secret of the Pantheon and win FUTURE tokens
"Hey boss? What did we celebrate last night, anyway?" a voice came from the back of the room. It was Marty, his young protege. Why was he still there? The shipment was due for this morning and if the product was not already on the streets, heads will roll.
"Pantheon, Marty. Pantheon. Give me some aspirin and get your ass out of here." he tried to get up from the bed but it was too much to expect from his tired body. Finding balance presented itself like quite a challenging task..
"Pantheon? That building that does nothing for us and you keep insisting on upgrading it?" Marty was never subtle but then again, that is what he liked about Marty. He may not be sharp but he sure is reliable and knows where all the bodies are buried.
"You have much to learn young Jedi. Now... Get me some f@ck$ng aspirin..."

Here is what you need to do...

- find out why is Pantheon important, what does it do/give to players/provide etc.
- write a quality-content post about it
- use drugwars as one of your tags

"And what about the battle system boss?" Marty sure did take his sweet time with that pain killer and asking a lot of questions.
"What about it?"
"Last night, you told me there will soon be an upgrade to the battle system. Was that the alcohol talking or?"Marty was certainly not aware of the thin line he was walking on but luck favors the brave so the young protege managed to duck just in time to avoid the empty bottle of Gin the boss threw at him.
"Aspirin Marty!"
your share buttons don't work (share battle to steemit ...)
We are working to resolve that issue. I suggest you use other share options until then. Thank you very much for your patience, we expect the thing to be fixed soon.
ok thanks
What's the problem?
I have not received any upvote for the last two days in the battle share post.
I don't know what is happening with upvotes , I am not getting them either
That sucks because that is exactly what the pantheon is for. It gives you a bigger upvote for spamming steemit with your battles. Some people had already figured it out before this announcement. Is a link below to someone who figured it out. This is not my link. I will be writing a post.
That being said.... Here is my entry...
I understand that I will not win. Nothing to do with the quality of writing or the correctness of what the pantheon does. I understand that I will not win because my opinion differs from the opinions of others. I encourage your comments and feedback on my blog though. I think I hit the nail on the head and I put a lot of time and effort into the blog.
finally the battle system will be repaired...
tens of thousands of steem worth of troops later and most people are fed up and quit by now
I have to admit that you are probably 100% right.. however I still hope they implement a combat system now that makes sense and that the folks will come back to the game...
and as you know I countered your last pessimistic posts with some optimist outlook... however I certainly did not see this reward pool/future token thing coming...
.. but again.. I am positively surprised they reacted to the feedback and limited the damage to some extent...
They reacted because even they realized how bad of an idea it was.
I lost so many troops to the 1s attacks it would blow your mind. I attacked/defended people with 10x or more troops and I lost 5x or more in troops.
The system is so freaking broken that sending your own troops out of your base when you are getting attacked so you have less troops defending can be the difference between millions in loses and about 5-10k. It’s criminal how broken the system is when people paid lots of money to play.
yes.. I agree... it "was" total BS... whatever they change it to now.. it can only get better...
It’s too late. Damage has been done and by far not the only thing.
I still have hope! ;-)
Pantheon is where the bodies are buried. LOL
Hahahahahaha, thanks for making my day end with a smile :D
Glad to hear it made you smile. BTW, you're doing a great job with DW. Keep it up!
Posted using Partiko Android
Here I explain the purpose of the Pantheon. Do correct me if I am wrong.
I read your post. I dont know how to comment on steempeak tho. I use steemit. Great blog but that is nor what the pantheon does. Still waiting on the research center..... here is my post on what it actually does if your interested...
Well, I have to admit your theory is more entertaining and out of the box than mine.
No, phanteon at level 8 doens't cost 900.
This pic is taken from @drugwar's post. That post was a while back, and they've changed many things since, but that's the pic on the post.
Here is my post.... the Secret of the Pantheon and the Book of Names.
Pantheon is a building which enhances the effect of the pyramid.
Posted using Partiko Android
What does the pyramid do?
Pyramid gathers and focuses Steem into the developers pockets. Parthenon multiples this effect by increasing the coverage and durability of the pyramid by sustaining hope in development and filtering future ideas to grow the pyramid.
Posted using Partiko Android
omg, I want my own pyramid!
I am not surprised. 🙁
Posted using Partiko Android
Pretty much.... actually, its much worse.... here is what it does...
The answer is:
You have not decided yet..
Whatever idea posted here that looks the most attractive to you will be implemented...
The Pantheon building is doing something and has been for a while now ;) The idea was implemented into the game and has been functioning, some players even noticed it.
you are absolutely sure about this??
Yes, absolutely sure.
hmm.. so why do you not blog about it? ;-)
We have left clues in the description of the building:
"it shows a sign of wealth striking jealousy in your opponents.
UNIQUE: Apparently nothing"
and have planned to use it as a contest opportunity for a while now to see how many players have noticed the importance of that word apparently. The Pantheon has been our little mystery from the start.
OK.. at least the drugwars team seems to have a marketing pro... apparently .. ;-)
nice one... ;-)
Yes. Great marketing. It is put in place to promote spam. The higher your level, the more the payout for spamming your battle. Some people also believe that it increases the chances of receiving a payout for spamming. If this is the case, it will encourage the more established people to start spamming as well. This way it won't only be the new players spamming. It will encourage everyone to spam equally
Now I am sure I know what it does and honestly I do not like it if it is what I think it is. I do not share any of my battles so it literally has no use for me. Would of been cool if it was a safe house for your units when you get attacked to keep some alive or something else instead that has to do with battles.
Nope. This is where the gladiator battles happen, for mas drugas and drug cartels (gangs) meet to gamble, war, and create empires!! @steemitqa
Ok - my idea is online with this post
Let's see what it is all about ...
That's where the illuminati sacrifice goats and perform mass-orgies to gain power.