
Back when I was a younger lad with far less common sense than want to get rekt a buddy and myself split a bottle of Robitussin cough syrup.. High DXM content.

We dubbed it "Robo-Trippin" and never visited it again.. Was a good time minus the ridiculous amount of acetaminophen we ingested.. :D

It is definitely a lot of fun, no doubt about it. But all those extra ingredients like Tylenol or antihistamines that you mentioned are what can really get you.
Its probably a good thing you only did it once too. I don't know why, but the stuff just clicked with me. No drug I've ever taken has made me more compulsive/addicted than DXM.

Different strokes I guess =)

At one point I remember seeing powdered DXM available.. Not a huge fan of the disassociate type substances though.

Oh yea, that stuff's out there and extraction methods too. I just chug bottles these days though. And disassociatives are my absolute favorite. MXE and DXM are above all others to me.

Monoatomic gold or #ORMUS is real. Its manna from the Bible! My only suggestion to you would be to find Jesus first before doing it. I haven't tried it myslef but I want to. But I would think being closer to God would help align your soul for its affects to work & take hold.

The 3 wise men in the Bible weren't bringing baby Jesus expensive gifts! They brought him things to KEEP HIM HEALTHY Gold or ORMUS or Monoatomic Gold/Frankincense (being proven to cure caners in India & the Middle East) and Myrrh which according to help with the following: antimicrobial, astringent, expectorant, antifungal, stimulant, carminative, stomachic, anticatarrhal, diaphoretic, vulnerary, antiseptic, immune booster, circulatory, tonic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic.

The Bible is real bud. I've been through a similar time with drugs in my life! Once I TRULY in my heart & soul asked God & Jesus for help in my life (broke down & begged) HE put my life in order so fast and putting my body back together from the damage I have done to it so fast I feel like its a miracle.

Do some research about Bible stories being real and you will find evidence today PROVING it real! Also check out a guy named Trey Smith on youtube, he's got amazing videos backing up the Bibles claims with facts. His videos helped me a lot too.

I hope you don't just brush this off and take it serious. Please do your own research if you don't believe some anon online. God Bless bud.

I'm gonna follow you, hope you follow back. I did an article on Monoatomic gold/ORMUS you might find interesting!

Wow, yea I did follow you.

I had no idea that monoatomic gold was a real thing, the only time I ever heard it talked about was from David Icke. But yes, I will check some of this stuff out. I don't know much about the Bible but I am interested and open to different beliefs.

Also I have actually heard of Trey Smith. I haven't watched many videos besides his ones about Benny Hinn and the safe robbery of Mike Murdock. I'm going to have to check him out some more.

Thanks man!

Anytime, Trey Smith is going to be doing a documentary proving Exodus as real. His newest video deals with the Afterlife & Shroud of Turin (the shroud that Jesus was covered with when he rose from death) and its mysterious otherworldly properties. Its one of my earlier posts, thanks for the follow and check it out. Keep in touch I'd love to hear your progress with self improvement and hope your happy and healthy!

Bro, If I could double upvote I would've. Great post....I def learned a lot.
Mind Blown!!!
Now following you, hoping to see more DOPE posts.
😀no pun intended

Followed you back and thanks man! I've got some deeper stuff about dex and the visions I have gotten from it that I'm thinking about writing about so it might be right up your alley.