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RE: SSRI's and SNRI's are harder to come off than benzodiazepines, opiates and my opinion...a brief story 😳

in #drugs9 years ago (edited)

Sounds like you have had a difficult, but also interesting journey. I was curious why you were so down, even aggressive, on me and my post yesterday, regarding niacin. With all you have taken I am surprised you don't think there might be a nutrient issue. I'm not sure why you concluded that because I'm an advocate of niacin I am also religious. Seemed like a strange jump. I hope the medication road you seem to be choosing works for you and the best of luck.


Sicerely appreciate it...I'm not a total skeptic of niacin...I take a lot of high quality mostly organic food and free range meats along with a lot of salmon that I have shipped from Alaska...I believe B12 is extremely important as well and taking the dissolved type I believe is more effective Mexico it's pretty common to have B12 shots...sometimes there will be 33,000% of B12 in certain multi vitamins so I think the bioavailability isn't that great... I just don't think that there is a definitive answer for most mental illnesses and everybody's different so what works for some sometimes doesn't have much of an effect...I totally believe that pharmaceuticals are totally overprescribed but I do also that saved lives for many folks as well...and I'm not totally against alternative medicines as well...although when my mothers breaststroke cancer cam e back years later and had metastacised... We took traditional routes but then decided to do cell injections in other countries, clinical trails,etc... we sold our house and had an auction of all of our valuables to get $ to these types of things ...she ended up spending a 100 grand on a Deepak Chopra type doctor in Toronto that was basically running scam treatments...he had aid dice in La Jolla as well...sure enough a few years after she passed he was charged with distributing massive amounts of oxy and fraud for fake cell injections and was sent to prison...I'm not for Capitol punishment but I wish I could of sued the crook...holistic medicine is is complete skeptical as nothing ever passes double blind this day getting outside for some exercise and eating well are the 2 best medicines along with being able to talk about it to friend and family plus Dr's...I feel like mental illnesses are absolutely difficult to properly diagnos...I've tried so many different avenues such as biofeedback but like I said in my story I haven't had opportunities yet to go to other facilities and get different opinions from psychiatrists and addiction specialists...AA or NA can be an excellent programs that have incredible dad has been in for almost 30 years but I'm not a fan of th 12 step program...not just for religious reasons but more the righteous attitudes that a lot of the have and the countless dry drunks who definitely benefit from medicine or CBT and alternative treatments as well ...I've read the big book at least 5+ times and there's an Agonostic section but my favorite part is the Navajo ladies that ends up helping folks out on the reservations...I apologize for being combative and maybe aggressive...but argument is basically constructive criticism ...I'm not saying niacin can't benefit some people but it's obviously not a cure for everything...I've read about the benefits somewhat and I'm sure you know a lot more about it than I just seemed like you had more faith in alternative treatments than proven traditional medicine...I grew up around a lot of spiritual nonsense and have a lot of friends that prefer the natural healing routes...but when people generally get really sick they go to the doctor...take antibiotics...the being nut jobs out there these days are the anti vaccine advocates...apparently they forgot about he Spanish flu pandemic that killed between 50 million and 100 million probably more because 3rd world countries can never get proper statistics ...this event was less than a hundred years ago...we've practically eradicated polio but then you have these crazy Jihadists that won't get the vaccines for wacko beliefs or distrust in the government which I can understand as we've robbed the majority off the world for natural resources,etc...although the Extreme Muslim jihadists jus want everyone dead as their particular religion is the right we have these right wing conspiracy theory folks in Southern California especially in Orange County that don't want their kids to have them for "liberty" reasons...we should send them all to an island and let them figure it out naturally because your putting other people in danger and setting an extremely dangerous precedent...anyways thank you for the time to read my story and wishing me the best... I don't know your relgious beliefs but I prefer not be prayed for and I get very offended when people try and push their beliefs on me...organized religion is nonsense and I will never change my views even on my death bed... in fact I don't even have a true view... I just think that science and voices of reason is where are morals come from along with literature, music and the arts...until one miracle is proven or ghosts are really seen and people realizing that supposed humanitarians like Mother Teresa actually notice that she was a fraud, a fanatic, took money from a Haitain dictator that committed mass genocide and taking money from Charles Keating flying around the world in a private jet but yet not believing in birth control, barely giving any basic medical needs to the dying children in her was absolutely disgusting and she herself doubted her faith her entire life and was pretty much Agonostic...and then gets a Nobel peace prize ...she was a hypocrital person that said suffering was a gift from God meanwhile she's living an indulgent rich lifestyle...similar to Donald Trump...take care and I hope the best for your health as well🤓🏔🌺🏂🌌💊💉☮

I totally agree with a lot of the points you make (seems we're not so dissimilar) and am sorry there are fraudsters in the alternative area, and your mother was personally affected. I agree, most alternatives are a waste of time as I've tried many myself.

However, I would think there must be a correlation between modern toxic exposure and mental, as well as physical, health.

Niacin is only one of many alternative protocols but the best I've personnally experienced.

I agree with you about modern medicine, oftentimes it can be excellent.