
Glad you came down relatively safe.

Yes!!! Very Happy to hear about your overcoming this terrible obsticle... Keep up the good work! I will pray for you, or even put as much positive energy into the multi-verse as possible for you to remain in your current, recovered state. 😃 As for me..... I still have a little bit of a ways to go before I am COMPLETELY out of the woods. However, hearing stories like yours, and seeing or reading about others' successful recoveries... Gives me unending mental strength, and incredible inspiration to keep going. Thank you!

I'm glad to listen that, I hope that you fully recover from this soon! Don't use anything that messes with the GABA receptors!

I am also recovering from a severe Xanax addiction, and kudos to you @endless.drugs, because, from my extensive experiences with Xanax and other benzodiazapams, they are ALL HIGHLY ADDICTIVE, & the hardest of all the prescription pills to get off of. They are extremely dangerous. Stopping cold-turkey, WILL cause seizures... (I've had 3 in my life, and they were ALL from lack of benzo in my system for some days). If anyone reading this has never taken Xanax, Valium, Klonopins, Adavan, ect. (Or any anxiety med., which are all 99%, a benzo of some sort). Beware. QUITTING, is like NOTHING any of you have ever, or will ever feel/experience... If prescribed, PLEASE use as your doctor directs, and DO NOT take more than you are instructed... You WILL be addicted, and screwed... Period!!

Exactly, this shit is pharmaceutical poison I already posted about how dangerous the withdrawals or this shit are! Get clean mate, as a tip psychedelics may help!!!