Today I want to tell you about a serie that I really liked and I totally recommend it, don't run away when I write this please haha, it's Korean. A few years ago, a friend introduced me to this whole world of Kpop and Korean Dramas and I must admit that I did not immediately love it, sometimes I did not understand her emotion, and if you are not used to listening to the language, it will cost you at the beginning, but let me tell you from experience that once you focus on essential things like:
- Letter and Meaning
- Acting quality
It's hard not be engage the plot of some of these dramas ... and the truth is that speaking of Drama, this series has a lot of that.
Good Doctor<->Bad Doctor
The story is centered on Na Yi Je, an excellent and humanitarian doctor who was pushed to the limit through many injustices. When he had nothing, he decided to take the path of revenge without looking back, despite the promise he had made to his mother. I know you will think: Well, that's it, everyone is going to fall here or maybe it can be a bloodthirsty revenge, but calm my niniscoolers, nothing is further from reality.
Forced to Change
This is a very well worked story, where you have to be attentive to the details and not miss anything, xD I remember that when I saw it I felt that I was watching a game of tennis, the ball was going from one place to another all the time and every end of chapter left you thinking "It can't be, and now?"
Evil has a Face
For those who like romance, I waited throughout the drama to see some spark, but .. Ha, did you really think I was going to tell you? Find out what happens between Na Yi Je and Dr. Han <3.<3
Han So Geum, ends up involuntarily involved with Na Yi Je, since as the name of the drama indicates, the dominant context is a prison where everything happens, especially at the level of corruption, you will see politicians, businessmen and doctors who have nothing of saints and that more than breaking a plate, they destroy the whole kitchen regardless of the cost; but that yes, all with much cunning and intelligence, closely resembles chess, where to win you must think 2 and 3 steps forward, these characters really entertain. Villains and heroes exchange roles a lot, so you will most likely have a relationship that will go from love to hate and vice versa from beginning to end, even within the same chapter.
Saving Lives is my Duty
Do I give you a break? Yes, you will laugh, I was surprised how they have integrated drama, mystery and the right amount of ingredient X to make the Powerpuff Girls, I meant, to make the latest dramas of doctors, detectives and all this intriguing niche, characters that will end up helping to Na Yi Je in one way or another and they will make you laugh with their eccentricities and embarrassing situations.
Like Dogs and Cats xD
Here you will see actors who really manage to convey suffering, love, malice and sadness almost to the point of making you feel in their situation and wondering what I would do. The human sense they give to such complex plots is what hooks me most to history.
That's all for today guys, as always a pleasure to write for you. I hope you enjoy it, tell me in the comments, do you feel that Na Yi Je obtained the much desired justice?
A big hug. God bless you 
Hello niniscool!
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