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RE: Proximity drone-flying through the woods

in #drone8 years ago (edited)

So cool. I just got my first taste in drones by getting to fly a cheap mini-drone and I instantly got hooked. How much would a setup like this cost, without the gopro hd? 10km range sounds insane!

Also, how much flying time are you getting from this battery?


The components for the drone I used here were all together maybe 400 USD. But then you need a controller (Taranis ~ 200 USD), video goggles (Fatshark 300-500 USD), plenty of batteries (20-25 USD each), HD cam (100 - 300 USD), battery charger (50-200 USD). If you want to fly far away or behind obstacles you'll want a long range radio system (TBS Crossfire 250 USD).
The flight time of a miniquad like this is 4-7 minutes, depending on your flight style and the battery you're using. This short time frame is limiting your range, so if you want your drone also to fly back then you can expect to get ranges of 2 km, maybe even 3. If you want to fly long range you can do so with a plane or a flying wing. These have flight times up to 90 minutes, depending on the setup.

Thank you for sharing this valuable info. This might be a bit above the price range I was hoping for. I'll have to go for something cheaper as my first proper drone and see how the hobby sticks.