It's time for bonuses again! Easy, peasy, Steemy goodness!!

Yep... BONUS TIME! And you can earn one - EVEN if this is your first time saving! If you need to see the full posting of what the @dreemsavingsfund is all about - look at ANY of the previous posts on this @dreemsavingsfund blog, but the first one is probably best!
Know what the Dreem Savings Fund is all about? Skip down to the bonuses and grab yours now!!!
Haven't heard of it - and want the simple, short story?
Very simple and straightforward! Think back to those little vacation fund booklets we used to save up each week with the bank. It's kinda like that except you get the bonus of a vote from this account too!
We hit 2000, and now I want to see us hit 3000 Steem!
So... The deadline will be next Wednesday at midnight PST, and I'll post all bonuses for next Thursday!
If you deposit 100 steem this week:
I'll add another 30 steem to your savings account from my own personal steem stash ;)
If you deposit 75 steem this week:
I'll add another 20 steem to your savings account! (from my own stash!)
If you deposit 50 steem this week:
You get another 10 added from me!
If you deposit 25 steem:
I'll toss in another 5 your way :)
I will be tagging the same people as always! - cuz whether or not you want to come - I want you to know you're loved and I would so WISH to see you there. So - just see the tag as a hug... hehehe (unless you don't like hugs. then see this tag as a high five. ) LOL Plus, you can cheer us on - even if you don't want to go! LOL
But really - if you want to stop getting the weekly updates, I will of course remove you from the list and not be offended in the LEAST!
2nd annual block party - here weeeeeeeeeeeee come! :)
In alphabetical order ;) @andysantics48, @ange.nkuru, @bethalea, @bethvalverde, @bluefinstudios, @byn, @creatr, @crescendoofpeace, @davedickeyyall, @dfinney, @dwingsworld, @enginewitty, @eveningart, @guiltyparties, @jackmiller, @jayna, @katrina-ariel, @mariannewest, @michaeldavid, @monchichi23, @naltedtirt, @penderis, @prettynicevideo, @rakkasan84, @raybrockman, @saffisara, @scarletreaper, @shadowspub, @snook, @solominer, @thekittygirl, @zipporah