@intuitivejakob joined us on Nox Mente last night
WOWZA, this was a very dynamic show with @intuitivejakob last night! Jakob is such a great guy as any of you Steemians that follow him know. We went everywhere in this chat and all of it was fascinating, I hope you get a chance to take a listen.
Jakob Martinez is an intuitive, modern shaman, and creative artist, based out of Denver, Colorado. He "crossed over" the nano-bridge and since returning, has devoted his passion to bringing more light into the world, by sharing the healing ARTOFLOVE. Creativity birthed new life into a body that was dying for expression. It is this form of sharing that he shares in esoteric writings, music, and other media.
You can find Jakob on:
- his website http://tarotbytribe.com/ to my Busy.org
- Steemit https://steemit.com/@intuitivejakob

- Banner by the always lovely @artedellavita
- Our YT channel where all the episodes are housed: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLgoMEJbyIWRadCVl8weY2A
Playing this now!
Thanks for checking it out, @artedellavita! I was really honored that I was asked to participate with @mamadini & @jerrycthululu on this first Steemian episode where I was able to take this special spot. The date was special to me and as I understand it, I subbed in for you. Hope to catch your interview when you are on!
Co-host is me, @jerrycthulhu. No worries Jakob. ;)
Thank you so much for having me, @mamadini! It was more than fun. Glad we got a bit weird together! Hopefully it landed in the right place for the right audience!
Spooky action at a distance -- I believe in that. ;)
The static is being cleared. More weird to come! lol
Bring it! The Wyrding is my way.
It is the only way some of us know to BE. lol
Let's keep the convos going, @mamadini!
Great show. The three of you guys had such great energy. I got great vibes all around from it.
Thanks so much for that, @amrauthor! I loved being there. They were so much fun to chat with. Like close friends I hadn't spoken to in a very long time.
Thank you kindly. <3
Cool! Looking forward to checking it out. Always love your podcasts. I've resteemed it already. :)
<3 Thank you, Jeremy.
I was very impressed with this episode folks. @intuitivejakob, looking forward to more of your work. Thank you ; )
Thank you kindly, Sir. :)
I am always so happy to see your name in the mix of anything I am part of. <3