First dream logs - dreams recalled as a toddler

in #dreams7 years ago

Did you ever wonder when exactly you began to really pay attention to your dreams?

Ever since I was a little girl, I could nearly always remember every dream that I had. Especially when I was around 4 years old.
I had 2 dreams in particular which never left me until today. I may not completely remember all of the details, but what I do remember seems to be enough.

That had been the beginning of my interest and desire to understanding my dreams.
However, it had not been till much later did I manage to acquire my first book about understanding dreams.
I was 13 by then.

However, as I was still in school... boarding school to be precise... I was often asked not to waste my time with chasing the meanings of dreams when I had school and exams to study for. Yet somehow I managed to find time to read through my book and figure out what the dreams I had meant and how it would help me get through the day.

After going through this book several times, I had realized that it did not have the meanings for everything. Hence I searched more books on dreams, meanings and interpretations. I suppose that showed my interest in the other realms, especially the dream realm or as the Astral Plane which I learned in Islamic Studies is called Barzakh. Though of course I never realized the time and was often teased every time I brought something up regarding spirits, mythical and beings and such.

Either way, so far that has never stopped me from dreaming and learning through my dreams.

As to fulfill my main purpose of this particular post, I would like to share the two dreams which have been really significant to me since childhood. Reason being, that these dreams remained vivid in my mind even after 20 over years.

First Dream: The Shining Glass house :-

-(this is the closest image I could find which looked like the one in my dream. Though I did see it in real life, just part of it at least in Singapore)

It a dark yet pleasant night. For some reason I was outside and alone. Yet it didn't feel as dark as it should have been. For right in front of me was a magnificent and shiny house. It glistened with a white glow that it illuminated the whole area surrounding it. The curious toddler that I was, I couldn't resist wanting to go in. Which I did.

If I remember correctly, I was wearing a dress. One of the cute little pretty dresses I was often dressed in for parties. Yet it was not overly colorful. It was either a soft blue, soft pink or pale yellow.

Gingerly, I knocked on the door and waited. Moments later, it opened though there wasn't anyone there. Without thinking I just walked in closing the door behind me. The first thing I noticed was that everything was pristine, bright and shimmery. Everything from the walls , floors and the ceiling glowed white with tinges of gold. The interior looked very traditional European, like a palace or government official's home. There were paintings too, and like the walls, the frames were white with gold rims.

However the most prominent thing which stood out was the glass elevator in the middle in the room. It was similar to the one that was featured in the Disney film , The AristoCats. It was odd as I had never encountered a house with an elevator in it, let alone one which was made of glass.

Gradually I made my way towards it. I would have run, yet I didn't. A good thing too, despite no one being around. Or so I thought. As I got closer to the elevator, I bumped into my baby cousin Serena and the maid/nanny who took care of her. Apart from greeting and inquiring about the lift/ elevat, not much was said and hurried on my way.

Finally I had arrived at the lift and immediately got in. As soon as I turned around, the door to the lift closed and began to move. Upwards it went, smoothly unlike most lifts in real life. Plus the interior was all silver and gold plated . So very pretty to a little girl, yet I didn't lay a finger on them as I usually would have.

Soon a "ding" was heard, indicating that I had arrived on my designated floor. The door slid open and I got out. Before me now was a winding corridor. It was bright as well but there was something different about it. This time, I didn't walk; I ran. However, as soon as I got to the top I reached a door. Just before I could open it, the surroundings gradually changed.

What had been bright and shiny merely moments ago, all turned dull and grey. It didn't all turn grey at once, but faded slowly as though a shadow of a cloak loomed over dulling everything as it swooped by. My first instinct was to run. Run and rescue my little cousin. Running down the corridor, I found that the elevator had disappeared. What replaced it was a winding corridor which led back all the way down to where the entrance to the elevator should have been.

The bench where the nanny and Serena sat was now empty. Whether they had escaped or not I didn't know. All I knew was that I needed to get out of the house. In a mad dash, I scrambled out the main door and into the courtyard. There, stood Serena and her nanny looking towards the house that we had come out of . When I turned around, the once shiny mesmerizing house turned old and grey, finally was reduced to dust. Then I woke up.

Honestly speaking, now that I've thought about it... I don't recall if I fully researched what it meant. Either way, that is one of earliest dreams I could re-call.

Second Dream : Galaxy and ruins

This dream I couldn't completely recall when I had it but what I do know is that it was when I had my first singing mermaid doll in my possession. Plus I knew my first mermaid films, which were Disney's "The Little Mermaid" and the Japanese English dubbed adaptation of "The Little Mermaid" by Toei Entertainment.

- Marina's coming of age song

I loved both movies yet I often cried or had bad dreams when it came to Toei's version despite it telling the original version of Han Christian Andersen's story.

That little detail aside, now I shall resume sharing what I saw in this dream.

For this dream in particular, I couldn't remember how it began. But what I did recall was that I had found myself in dark ruins illuminated by only the stars in the sky. Whether it had been a battle or I had been abandoned, I didn't know . Once again there was no one around except for me and a young Caucasian boy with brown curly hair whom I had never seen before. He looked to be about 4 years old while I looked about 6 or 7.

We were both clad in pajamas. In his possession he had a thick blanket and a hardcover book while I had a similar book along with my singing mermaid doll.

- This is roughly how the ruins in my dream looked like but in my dream it was night time.

- This is roughly what I saw in the background

- This is the exact Lil' Miss Singing Mermaid doll I owned so many years ago.

- this is roughly the kind of book I saw in the dream , only the book was hard cover and when you opened it ... it was like seeing through the screen of an ipad (aka the reverse of this image)

I remember opening my book and a hologram emerged from the middle. There, a pre-recorded message played. Again, I saw two people whom I had never seen before . This is what they said , at least along the lines of it :

"...I understand that it's hard for you to grasp. We are your real parents. It is now time for you both to meet your next family. You will have new parents then. Please board the rocket, it will take you both to Earth to meet your new families. Take care of your brother and keep your books and remember who we are. Farewell, we love you..."

How the two adults looked like, I couldn't completely remember. But I do recall long blonde hair and lovely almost perfect features on both. It was then I realized that even I had blonde hair. Odd , yet I had always wanted to have blonde hair as a kid.

As instructed, I collected my brother with our belongings in hand and made our way to a rocket. The rocket was situated just a little way from the ruins and looked relatively small. Yet it managed to fit us both comfortably.

Now, when people imagine rocket ships and such, generally people think about the generic where there are seats and we need to wear special suits and equipment. Unlike most rockets, the one in the dream was definitely unique. The shape was to what was in this old cartoon show called ' Fantastic Max'.

However, I wish to stress that it looked no where like a baby bottle as what was in the show.

The interior of the rocket ship was lined with bedding and pillow to ensure our comfort. All that was left was to board and lift off.

That was when the dream ended.

What this dream meant was a complete mystery... It could have just been the influences of the cartoons I watched or maybe something more.

Whatever it is though, I will leave it there.

I've never really shared this in public but for some reason I decided to share it here.

Thank you all for dropping by and reading my post.

I'll be sharing dream logs from time to time in the future.

Till then thank you all again and have a great day.