Dreams into Reality

in #dreams7 years ago (edited)

Dreams of the past that have become physical reality

I have a strong intuitive sense and I use this in my travels. One thing that defines this sense is my dreams.

Three dreams I have had that have stuck with me and have held significance in my life:

1-Skeleton family in the Garage

I was about five or six and I was sleeping in the car while my parents were driving. When we arrived at the house, I kept on sleeping and my parents left me in the car to continue sleeping, parked safely in the enclosed garage.

I dreamed that we drove into the garage and I was in the car alone and to greet me in the garage was a family of skeleton people, which were presumably my family.

This was a nightmare for this age and I screamed and cried and my mum came and got me from the car, tending to my wounded mind.

This is a dream that has stuck in my psyche over the years and I have taken it to represent the reality that I am alone in what I do and in a sense, my family are dead to me, are part of the undead consumer public that has no ultimate future.

The aboriginals or the 'original people' of Australia have a perspective on white people in their country. This is that they are white ghosts. Ghosts because they will not be there for long in the real turn of things.

2-Nakedness and no escape; screaming without a voice

I have had numerous dreams when I was younger of being completely naked in public and not being able to hide myself. My inability to get any privacy frustrated me and the dream always ended with me awakening prematurely.

I have gone through a group in South Africa that focuses heavily on self honesty. This has affected me to a great degree and I use direct honesty wherever possible in my day to day living.

Living on the street and being honest, I see as a form of nakedness. There are no pretenses, everyone sees what is going on, who you are or what you want. There is no hiding. My honesty which is my power, is also in a sense, my weakness. The space and privacy I need to separate my essence from others as a sensitive vessel, is more difficult to find because of this. In a way, also being honest constantly is a form of activism. Living your life as your authentic you can be a revolution amongst a bunch of fake wannabes.

Being honest constantly is like taking off your clothes constantly and showing people there's nothing to hide, no parlour trick, I'm human just like you.

I am reminded of this dream recently as I wander the streets of Berlin and people recognize me from playing street music but also realise that I must sleep on the streets because I carry my pack around everywhere all the time.

Another recurrent dream was that of screaming and not having a voice. No matter how hard I screamed I could not be heard or a little bit was coming out but not enough to be heard like I wanted.

On the street now, I scream jazzy/blues music, and sometimes political content. This content is particularly hard to reach people, no matter how hard I scream, their ears just seem to switch off. Sometimes I am heard but it is a difficult way to spread a meaningful message seeing as generally people expect street music to be strictly entertainment and go out of their way to avoid you completely if they detect an agenda.

These dreams were had in my primary school days and I am now in my 30s.

3-The Scorpion in the Sea

I dreamed a dream in my early 20s of being a magician hovering above the ocean leading people with my smile and my wand into the sea toward a giant scorpion. The people that came then promptly disappeared into the ocean as though taken. I was exempt from this fate because of my hovering. Soon after I flew with a friend into a portal to another world because this reality was falling apart. The new reality was like a primitive version of this one, a working slave world with less technology and a different sentient species.

Scorpions and snakes represent transformation. I have often considered that the message I give through my channeling of the ether is to bring the earth into its next phase of existence. The ocean used in stories often represents the mass of people of the earth. I am wooing people toward transformation, to forego the identity and become one with the ocean of people.

This in turn causes this reality to start destabilising, as this world and the physical substance constructed by mind is glued together by fear.

By removing the fear, we remove the glue and the structure of the atoms destabilise.

This is the infinity of quantum physics in our physical world at present.

It will take a little bit more time, but as others see that mind is the creator of all and we collectively create, and that fear is the glue, and this is a matrix of emotional enslavement, slowly but surely the cogs in a machine go missing and it starts to slow down and stop.

There are a billion realities like this one. Why they exist? Some theorise it's for lessons to be learned by lesser beings and others theorise that these worlds are matrixes set up as power plants by interdimensional master races that use this emotional energy generated through the soul combined with a human physical body to power and maintain their reality without needing to lift a finger or exert their own essence.

We can create any reality we want here. We can move where we want to move and as groups, generate new laws that govern new natures.

The power beneath the power is the essence which is us. It is us that powers this system and this consumer world of images is just an impression imposed over our real sight in order to keep us in a form of virtual reality.

It's time to consider alternatives to this way.

Let's give up the idea that this reality is a lesson ground and just simply stop the pain. There is so much pain.

First world numb comfort seems to be good at blocking it out.

But we must get off our pedestals of positivity and move forward into new ways and new life, and as we do so, the old world collapses behind us due to lack of participation of its workers.

In love,

Monty xx