The Dreams of 2015

in #dreams7 years ago (edited)

I am posting my dreams raw, gathering them from old diaries and scraps, and leaving them here unedited and raw. If you would like, you can read 2013 Part 1, 2013 Part 2, and 2014.

I had a very thick, if not short, beard. I was in my bathroom with Ashley. I wanted to shave it off but thought stubble would look even worse than a beard.
I was looking through the sweaters in my closset. I quite liked them all. There was a white one with lots of lace.

The Factory
I was with a group of people taking a your of a donut factory in a boat. They made the donuts out of people. It was a huge room where we could see so many old and rickety looking machines, everything was brown with rust and grease.
I looked up at a huge machine that started to move. It was made of metal grids that pressed into one another.
The boat went into a dark channel. I couldn’t see anything but stretched out my legs. One grazed rusty metal. I pulled back.
When we left they gave us a huge popcorn tub full of frosted chocolate donut holes. I was eating them and they were cold, refrigerated cold. I was expecting them to be warm.
Someone asked why they didn’t use more babies. I did the math and yeah babies would always be a high supply I mean they die all the time. We couldn’t figure it out.
The weirdest part was I was never scared of the factory.

I was acting, and though my character wasn’t lying, I can’t tell if I was acting as a sort of play and everyone was involved, or if I was just acting to cover my actions and get away with what I was doing. How meta was this?
I was in a dark room with a few people. The twins were there, as well as Vince from EMH and Tucker from Enterprise. They were all people I knew, friends? That doesnt make sense in the storyline but whatever. I had been torturing Tucker, or at least threatening too. I don’t think I actually hurt him but I did manage to scare the shit out of him for a very long time. When the other people came (did they ever come? were they always there?) they confronted me and wanted to know why I was doing this.
I grabbed the front of Vince’s shirt, pulling him in to my face roughly even though I was smaller than him. I was pissed, I couldn’t explain myself fully.
Eventually though I did give in. I told them that I was from 2046, I was here collecting energy. I didn’t mean to be mean, but raw human emotion, most easily accessed as fear (only fear?) was turned into energy. I was so sad. It felt so crushing to say this, to do this. This was my job and as I explained what I did I felt myself folding in, I felt empty and defeated.
They seemed to understand shared in my sadness. They pitted me, but it made me feel a little better to have the burden shared. I had to leave, going through a door (like an emergency door? It opened in the middle and the two halves slid up and down respectively) but it was made of transparent material. Tucker reached out and touched the glass and I did the same before turning and leaving.
Waddles from Gravity Falls was there, in a little round electric wheelchair thing. we walked down dark dingy hallways, talking about something that made me feel uncomfortable about how I lived my life.

I was in my next door neighbor’s house. I needed to get outside, but I had stumbled onto the porch instead. It seemed like a party was going on inside. There was one other lady on the porch. When I tried going back inside to find the exit, she informed me the only way out of the house was down the stairs from the porch. She lowered them. They shook and I fell on my back a few times as I stumbled down them. There were three stairs missing at the bottom, and discard Halloween decorations in the driveway. I headed towards my house. There were many cats, but one followed me close. It was my cat (the name started with an S. I have never had a cat like this nor considered it.) a pure white Persian with pale blue eyes. (Now that I type that out, I think it looks suspiciously like the cat photo over my alter.) I needed to protect that cat. There were others, all with the same sort of Persian shape, but in different colors. I lost mine, I called out to her over and over, searching the driveway and my yard until I found her. I felt relief.

The Birds
I was in a high rise building, one wall completely glass windows. There was what seemed like a class there, many people about my age. I was scared. There were glasses flapping about like birds, about three pairs. I grabbed a book and smashed them against the ground. Picking up the pieces I shoved them in a plastic bin, setting it in the front of the classroom and telling everyone to do the same with the ones they killed. These things were very dangerous.
We knew more were coming. We locked the doors and windows, one guy looked out the window and gasped. We all looked.
It was a city, we had a good view of a large street and more buildings. The street was covered in pidgens. They all took off at once, headed to my left. From further away we could see black swarms. It was the glasses, they were coming. I screamed to close the curtains, as maybe if they couldn’t see us they wouldn’t try to get to us. We had no curtains to close. I had no idea what to do.

I was at some school, I assume still taking classes. The architecture didn’t match anything I can think of, lots of white, rounded walls. I had just got out of class and had maybe an hour before work started so I decided to take a look at the new place we were moving into, I had never seen it before. Since it would be just too far to walk, I ordered a taxi and sent him in the general direction of the new house (it was a whole house in the dream.) He took a very roundabout way out of the school, including a literal roundabout, and then we were driving down a fairly desolate and abandoned looking road. I was trying to get my phone to accept the new address and lead us there but it kept saying the address was in different states. I was getting frustrated and told the driver to pull over. Messing with my phone further, I asked my roommate for the address in case I had made a miatake. But my phone couldn’t form any words correctly and my messages always ended up garbled. We were inside a house now, bare, the taxi driver was inpatient, as well as a group of teenage girls. I was so frustrated with my phone. The address they had sent me I was watching change, it surged and the numbers counted up or down rapidly and randomly. I was so frustrated. I was already late for work and hadn’t called them. I was panicking and starting to cry. I called them. They answered the phone calmly.