One day, you will live your dream.

in #dream7 years ago

One day, you will understand what life has been preparing for you with all the heinously shaped pieces of your past.

You will, then, see every moment of rage, hatred, violence, deception, frustration was in fact prearranged by the universe.

That they were all meant to be there for you to go through.
That they were the ingredients necessary to make the final picture of the puzzle.

You will meet someone who collects all those scattered pieces of you, who renders them into a beautiful work from the painful chaos.

Then, you will say finally, this is well worth having persevered, having believed in the little whisper of hope in you.

You will, yes, I assure you, live your dream. You will savor the sweetest moment ever, every each day.

One day, you will find your half.
Only if you trust in love.IMG_0169.JPG