Lucid philosophical dream journal entry: The bear looked at me and said...

in #dream7 years ago

Aware that I was home in my bed, in my room while simultaneously vividly dreaming; I was approached in my dream by "a wrong doer" who attempted to make his wrong doing "go away" by aggressively attempting to bribe silence.

I looked at him, grabbed the fat stack of crisp bills from his hand & I threw them into the air, which somehow released millions of dollars into the jetstream and money began raining down upon the earth in troubled communities around the world.

Infuriated with my actions, the wrongdoer (in a desperate attempt to silence and drown me) pushed me into a cold swift moving river. Some how I made it through the rapids, stayed a float and was taken to very still waters; where I was surrounded by bears who were fishing for salmon.

At first glimps of the hungry bears, I panicked, my heart jumped several beats and I began to act quickly, to get out of the bears feeding zone. I some how jumped up out of the water and...before splashing back into it, I found my self magnetically hovering over the still waters; and it was then (in this moment of stillness) that the bears told me not to worry; that the Earths Iron core, magnetic field and sound vibration play a much more powerful and significant role in creation, than does humanity; and while humanity may endanger many species, ecosystems and even its own kind; nature will harmonize and prevail.

In this continued moment with peace of mind, I stood there in stillness, hovering over the cold river. It is important to note how at peace I felt and how in that very moment, a bear looked up at me and said; we are not here to eat you, we are here to feed you, which is why in this moment, you are here and not afraid.