What if Your Dream is Your Real Reality?

in #dream7 years ago


What if this reality we know is not exactly the real reality? What if this world is just a dream? There are times that I dream is si realistic and I am living in that world for a long time. Like when I dream that I am living in a different house. In the dream it was like the real thing and on that it dream it is like I live on that house for years. There are also times that I dream about people having magical powers and it is like every people people livong in that dream have powers. I don't know if is a product of me being addicted to online games once in my life during my teenage years but all I can say is that my dreams of having powers is so realistic that it is like a "first person shooter". I really enjoyed that dream. In my dream I have a bow and arrow that can kill enemies around me in a single shoot. There are people in my dream that I don't know who they are but they are talking to me as if they are my friends for a long time.

I got so many questions about the reality after reading about visions and dreams and their interpretations. All I know is that dreams and reality will never co exist though I believe dream do really happen as it is in another dimension.

Our dream maybe actually happening in another world.

I will be talking about more about it next time. For now you can write your ideas about your dreams in the comments bellow

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