The Event
Event has happened, everyone run in panic as I look for a hole in the ground to hide inside of while wrapped in tissues in hopes of surviving. None of the holes are deep enough and I realization sets in that I will not make it if I stay. One look at the horizon and I can see the ball of fire growing fast. Everyone is gone as I am still trying to figure out a place where I can hunker down, all to no avail. One more look back and I can see it gaining on me must faster than I have expected, and I start to run while hugging my cat with both hands close to my chest to protect it from eat and elements. I can feel the heat catching up as my skin starts to become unbearable and smell of burning hair fills my surrounding followed by screams of cat as it starts to panic. I've made my decision to keep running straight until I can't no more in hopes of at least saving my cat by shielding it with my body. As air around me became vapor and I submitted to my final seconds, a sudden left turn by the fireball diverted it from my path.