Mirror Mirror
We've gone thru a building earlier in a day and one of the floors was covered in all white, emissive paint. It was empty at a time we've explored it and in one of the rooms in the bathroom there was a strange computer embedded into a mirror that allowed me to enter a 4 digit number; 7377. We left before being spotted but decided to come back at a later time after working hours. Going up the stairs thru each of the floors we came across firemen and few others in uniform, as I walked pass them I couldn't help but notice them and everyone else wearing Tall Hats.
We headed view floors up and noticed packages of parcels. Going thru them I pulled out a Black motorcycle Helmet in a Jacket which I put away in another room behind a rack of clothes for later pickup. We were spotted and ran off to higher floor. It was the floor I was looking for white emissive white walls. In one of the offices were people who started to wonder who I was, I told them I was a delivery guy and asked for a card. Card was exchanged and person put it into a device and handed back to me, it was different from what I handed him and I demanded original one back. It came to a point where I had to use force against him and few others for him to hand it back to me.
Going thru rooms looking for the bathroom with the mirror I could not find it and came across what appeared to be a wrapped body on the table. As I was walking past it, it woke up and wanted to know what I was doing there. I was about to lose my cool and start beating everyone when one female offered me to show the room I am looking for and lead me to a bathroom. Mirror was there but it wasn't as light as it was before as if batteries were low. I started to punch in the numbers again and then realizing it was a year and that it was better to go somewhere not to distant where I knew what was coming such as early 1990's