Another Realm
I don't remember how I got there exactly. I've put a safety on as I handed a loaded gun to Leo, which he immediately started twirling on his finger. I stepped back just in case it will go off. He looked at me and smiled as he said that safety is in fact on. We headed outside so he can fire off few rounds, it was still a daylight and multiple women with their children where in the yard. He climbed on top of the garages, no one seemed to care as he fired off few rounds into a distance.
I knew I had to go back but there reason I came here is to pick up some from Ralph. Few people told me where he was and I went searching for him in the building. We were on different realm fields and he could not see me but could feel when I pushed or touched him, which made him scared as if I was a ghost. He went into an apartment and I found myself inside of a plane cockpit with an older person dressed in police uniform, he told me that it's time for me to return. I told him that I cannot without getting stuff from Ralph first, at which point he pointed at a wrapped sack on the right panel. Engines got activated and everything in front went black, I could still see the old person as midsection and back-section too went pitch black followed by the guy vanishing into thin air.